Camille: How are you and Kirsten? Did you it?
Cameron: What are you, twelve?
Camille: I'm just gentle. Kirsten's a virgin.
Cameron: I don't think she's a virgin.
Camille: Emotionally. Come on. She's a virgin. This is going to be her first real relationship.

Cameron: There you are.
Kirsten: Miss me?
Cameron: I missed running tests on you.
Kirsten: Best boyfriend ever.

[Fisher is brought in handcuffed with a bloody lip]
Camille: Oh my God, Fisher!
Maggie: Quincy, what happened?
Fisher: I wasn't being cooperative [smiles].
Cameron: Are you all right?
Fisher: You should see the other guy.
Cameron: I'm serious. Are you all right?
Fisher: I'm serious. You should see the other guy [winks]
[Cameron turns and sees other guy being brought out on a stretcher]

Camille: Are you ready?
Cameron: Does it matter?
Camille: Cameron, when this is over, win or lose, they're going to disappear us. You know that, right?
Cameron: When this is over, if Kirsten's dead, I won't care.

What's a quantum computer?


Do you want Kirsten out of here or not? Because this gamble's all the gamble I got.


Camille: Hey. Tell me.
Linus: He died. Two days ago. The funeral was yesterday [starts crying]. I wasn't even there.

He trapped me inside my own memory. He's not my father anymore.


Kirsten: I can't do this without my team.
Blair: Yes, you can. They're very, very smart people, but they're just people. You will stay with the program if you want to save your mother, Ms. Clarke.

Kirsten: I thought you guys were in trouble. It's like a country club.
Maggie: We're being reassigned, not waterboarded.

Kirsten: Hey, you're cute when you're worried about me.
Cameron: Then I must be cute all the time.

Touch me again and I'll rip out your rib cage and wear it like a vest.


Stitchers Quotes

Kirsten: how long have I been in this room?
Maggie: Answer the question.
Kirsten: I'm trying to. How long have I been in this room?
Maggie: Guess.
Kirsten: An hour?
Maggie: One minute. [smiling and leaning in] You really don't know, do you?
Kirsten: I have this condition, it's called temporal dysplasia. I have no time perception.
Maggie: I've read about this condition. I thought it was made up.
Kirsten: I wish, cause then you could unmake it up; it really sucks. I use memory, logic and math to approximate time difference, but I don't know what time feels like.

Kristen: Why is he here? Are you guys coroners?
Cameron: No. He's here to share his memories with us.
Kirsten: But he's dead.
Cameron: Hmm. Fun fact: After death, consciousness lingers for 30 seconds. After that, 10 minutes and the brain starts to degrade. If we get a sample in here fast enough, we can start a protocol that will slow down further deterioration for days.
Kirsten: Sample? You mean corpse?
Cameron: Tomato/Tamato.
Kirsten: You're getting this guys dead, deteriorating brain to talk to you? How?
Cameron: By inserting a living consciousness into those memories. We call it stitching.
Kirsten: That's impossible.
Cameron: Is that so, doctor I've never studied neuroscience unlike Cameron. The brain is a bioelectrical device with emphasis on electrical. Even after death the wiring, the synapses are all still in there, for a while anyway, and that means so are the memories, but it takes a living consciousness to access them and interpret them and that's where you come in.