Logan: Everybody smile.
Roman: I am smiling.
Shiv: Yeah, not like a fuckin' pervert.

Penis cat.


Nan: You do have an interesting family.
Logan: Yeah, I apologize for the lateness of my son.
Nan: Well.
Logan: He's been volunteering.
Nan: Really? That's impressive. He has the time even in the teeth of a takeover battle?
Marcia: He's very capable.
Logan: A lot of bandwidth.
Nan: Oh, its wonderful to have such band width. After everything.

Mark: Yeah, I'm actually getting my second Ph.D. right now in Africana Studies from Brown.
Tom: Wow. So you're going to be a double doctor?
Mark: The second Ph.D.'s much harder. Yeah, five years is an absolute gauntlet.
Shiv: Oh, I'm sure. But just think, you know, once you're done, you won't have to waste the 12 seconds it takes to look up something on Wikipedia. No, but seriously though, it's quite an achievement.

Logan: What the fuck did you say to Mark? Making quacks about his Ph.D.?
Shiv: It was a joke. He laughed.
Frank: It seems he did not enjoy that.
Logan: He's a yes, Shiv. He's solid. Why are you even botherin' with him?

Romulus, when you laugh, please do it in the same volume as everyone else. We didn't get you from a hyena farm.


Maxim: Well, you can't change Washington without knowing Washington. Can you name me one member of the House Congress Committee?
Connor: Oh, uh, yeah. I think I know one. Representative Ferdinand D. Who Gives a Shit from the great state of No One Fucking Cares.
Maxim: Well, I'm convinced. Clear some space on Mount Rushmore folks!

Money is a virtual construct whereas integrity, virtue -- these things actually exist.


Shiv: This is what happens. You're given the keys to the castle and then you get paralyzed staring into the eyes of the cobra.
Tom: They're riding me pretty hard in there. Do you think I should fight back more?
Shiv: You know, then? He smells the vacillation and then he's got you. You're done. He's juicing another lemon.
Tom: Wouldn't it be nice if you stopped beating up on me, too?
Shiv: What?
Tom: Maybe you could stop beating up on me, too?
Shiv: What? That's just nothing. That's silly. Well, no one cares.
Tom: Well, technically, I care. I care.
Shiv: Sometimes you say stupid things. He's got me second-guessing myself. I'm wavering on landing the best strategy for a deal that I don't even like. I really want this.
Tom: I know.
Shiv: Really, I want to be sitting at that table.
Tom: Hey, hey, listen to me. You are sitting at the table. You are.

What? Us having a baby? No, we're not planning to have a baby because that would require us having sex.


Nan: And any thought given on to whom you might hand over the keys?
Kendall: Why madam, that is very forward.
Nan: And you're no fun! We're all friends here now. Aren't we?
Logan: Well, um, Gerri is on the paperwork as a stop-gap, but even she'd be the first to admit that she couldn't really do the job.
Gerri: Well, maybe the second to admit.
Logan: Uh, there is a name, but you know, I really don't like to deal in hypotheticals.
Rhea: Mmmm. He's an enigma.
Logan: Well, one day.
Rhea: What a tease, folks.
Nan: Just whisper it in my ear.
Logan: You know, I'll start to think I'm not wanted.
Shiv: Just... You can...
Logan: Well, you know, I'm...
Shiv: Oh, for fuck's sake. Dad, just tell 'em it's gonna be me.

Mark: Roman, what's happening?
Roman: My life just ended?

Succession Season 2 Quotes

Shiv: God he looks terrible. He looks like a frozen corpse.
Tom: Yeah, he looks waxy, like an unshaven candle.

Ragnar: A public and personal declaration of withdrawal could be really helpful. You OK, mate?
Kendall: Yeah.
Ragnar: Yeah, you could do this. You could stop it.
Kendall: OK, yeah. I mean. My dad wants me to do it, uh, I'll, I'll do it. [reading note] 'I saw their plan. Dad's plan is better.'
Ragnar: How you feel? You look good.
Kendall: Yeah, I feel, uh, I feel good.