Quit being Dolly freaking Yoda! Get pissed!


Good morning, Vietnam!


Sam: You going to sleep?
Dean: Damn straight. Screw consciousness, I say.

Is this what you do? Find postal workers, make them go postal?


I'm pretty sure this guy is the boring kind of chubby chaser.


C'mon, Sam, pay attention to me. I'm bored.


You look like you got attacked by some PCP crazed strippers.


Yeah, a guy in his thirties hanging out at a Plucky's alone. That's normal. Not pervy at all.


Shark Week, man. How do you not watch that? A whole week of sharks.


Sam: They think the ball washer did it.
Dean: The what?
Sam: The ball washer.
Dean: The what?
Sam: The ball...

Sam: I thought you said no hot chicks?
Dean: We don't know that she's hot.

Sam: So we got dick on Dick?
Dean: Well, that's a vivid way of putting it.

Supernatural Quotes

Why do they call this place The Empty? It's full. It's full of sorrow and despair playing over and over again of angels and demons dreaming about their regrets. Forever.


Weird, creepy, off-the-grid "Children of the Corn" people? Yeah, I’m in.
