Howard: Maybe it was a good thing that I left. Otherwise, you wouldn't be the strong woman you are today.
Dina: Yeah. I hadn't thought about it that way.

Amy: What a waste of money. We would spend it so much better. I still love the idea of a vacation.
Jonah: Wow, you're really stuck on this vacation thing. If there's something you're planning on asking me-
Amy: I hate this.
Jonah: You can do it right here in town.
Amy: Please stop.

Amy: I just hope you don't go around giving away chunks of our money for the rest of our lives.
Jonah: The rest of our lives, huh?
Amy: What? No. I meant like for the rest long this is.
Jonah: No, I get it. However long this is. Which if you have your way will be one million years.
Amy: Oh, shut up.

For what it's worth, when I left you that day I was a different man than I am now.


Jonah: What if I give it to you? I mean I'm living in your house, it's the least I can do.
Amy: Yeah, you know, I haven't wanted to say anything, but you do owe me like nineteen grand. But I prefer you pay me back in sex.
Jonah: Eh, that's a lot of sex.

Garrett: There's a thousand bucks in it. I already opened it.
Amy: What? For Jonah? Were you guys even close?
Glenn: She never mentioned that when I made her tea every morning or when I took her to her doctor's appointments.

I can't believe Myrtle's gone.


Superstore Season 5 Episode 12 Quotes

Garrett: There's a thousand bucks in it. I already opened it.
Amy: What? For Jonah? Were you guys even close?
Glenn: She never mentioned that when I made her tea every morning or when I took her to her doctor's appointments.

I can't believe Myrtle's gone.
