Jonah: Well, why didn't you say anything?
Garrett: Because why bring something up just to make your friend feel bad?

Dina: Look, you're like the old paper coupons. You're kind of a nuisance, but arguably served a purpose, and now you're useless but...
Glenn: But?
Dina: Oh! Carrot Cake Oreos are back. That's fun

Well, I'd rather be a nobody than a couple of Impossible Burgers, 'cause all I'm seeing here is some imitation beef!


Jonah: Okay, fine, but I'm not gonna apologize for caring, okay? You're an important person in my life, Garrett. A lot of men are scared to say things like that, but not me. I'll tell you exactly how much you mean to me to your face.
Garrett: Please don't.

Dina: Effective immediately, there will be no more talk about conspiracy theories.
Jonah: Well, there goes my afternoon.

Now you're listening to Marcus and Sandra? You guys are like the three stooges if Curly was Hawaiian. Well, actually, I don't know for a fact that he wasn't.


Jonah: You remember his fucking credit card number?!
Garrett: It's on the receipt.
Jonah: That... makes sense.

No more Gary. No more heaven; just more computers and demons!


Dina: Zephra's asking that we no longer use the term "heavenly day."
Glenn: What?!
Dina: Yeah, there was a memo. They feel it's a little loaded.
Glenn: Yeah. Yeah, it's loaded. With kindness! It's the same thing as saying, "Have a nice day," or "Have a good day!"
Dina: Great. Then say one of those instead.
Glenn: To the customers?! I might as well give them the middle finger!

Dina: Now, we've noticed some of your masks are getting dingy; Cheyenne will be handing out new protective equipment.
Mateo: Based on her history, I wouldn't trust Cheyenne with protection.
Cheyenne: I may be a teen mom, but at least I don't look like someone put a Pixar character into a microwave.
Mateo: Well, you'd be DreamWorks, bitch.

Jonah: Well, there is this Chinese place that I've been wanting to try.
Glenn: Absolutely. They have plain white rice, though, right?
Jonah: They do.
Glenn: Then absolutely!

You were just being friendly, and I'm like this heteronormative bowl in a lesbian china shop.


Superstore Season 6 Quotes

Attention shoppers, we ask that you please not physically wrestle things from your fellow customers. There's a highly contractable virus out there that our country does not have a hold of. None of y'all are listening, huh? Alright, enjoy the apocalypse!


We are essential. Customers are like sheep looking for guidance. Without leaders, sheep start to eat each other. So unless one of us leads, this place is gonna be littered in haggis from here to Sunday.
