Margaret: We admit it. We failed you as parents.
Bruce: Your mother and I, uh, we've been seeing a therapist.
Margaret: He has made us see everything so much more clearly, and now we realize how utterly responsible we are for how disastrously your life has turned out.
Bruce: We want you know that we're here for you now, for whatever you need: vacations, clothing, counseling.
Margaret: You're a good person, Helen, despite your upbringing, and none of it, none of it, is your fault.

You explained to him about your moods, right? The Helen of today is not the Helen of tomorrow.


Alison: Just stop pretending.
Cole: I can't.
Alison: Why?
Cole: Because I'm not Noah Solloway. I am a good man, and I would have to be crazy to trust you again after what you did to me, and I am not going to go down that rabbit hole again and jeopardize everything that I built.

Alison: We keep coming back to each other.
Cole: I know.
Alison: Don't you think that means something?
Cole: I think that means we were unfinished.
Alison: And now...we are? You're scared. I think you're giving up because we've made a mess of everything, and it's too complicated. If you leave Luisa now, you can't play the good guy anymore. Then you're an asshole just like me. Yeah, but maybe you're a happy asshole instead of a miserable hero.

Luisa: You're still here.
Cole: This is my home, our home. If you'll still have me.
Luisa: I'll still have you.

Helen: Oh that's right. You're daughter's here.
Alison: Yeah.
Helen: She turned out not to be Noah's?
Alison: No.
Helen: I'm sorry. I loved hearing that.

I think people see what they want to see in other people.


Cole: You guys gonna be OK?
Oscar: What do you mean?
Cole: Well, you just called your wife a cunt.
Oscar: Yeah, because she makes me deeeeply miserable. But do you mean are we doing to split? No, of course not. Jenny's like a, she's like a solid B+, and let's face it, I'm a C. So if she needs to call and yell at me and then hang up, well that's a small price to pay for a beautiful family, you know?

Everyone assumes that life is a given, but you and I know that it's not. You and I both know that breath can end, so we know that life is a gift. You'll miss Dawn, but you'll keep her memory alive. You'll live now for both of you.


Honestly, it seems a little fast to me. You haven't exactly been a model of consistency since you got back.


Grieving Girl: What'd you do?
Alison: I had an affair. I wouldn't recommend it. It didn't turn out well.

Alison, I built this whole life, I'm building a whole house just to prove to everybody that I don't love you anymore, that I don't need you, that I don't want you, that I don't miss you. But the truth is that I do. I need you, and I want you, and I miss you, and I love you, and I'm tired of pretending that I don't.


The Affair Quotes

Noah: I, I was a happy man back then. Proud of my family. My first book had just come out. Everything I dreamed I'd achieve as a young man, I'd done it.
Det; Jeffries: But.
Noah: That's just it. There is no but. When I look back, I can't tell you why it happened.

Noah: When's she going to college?
Helen: Twelve years.