Why do you get to fuck up and I don't?


Look, the sooner you and Helen get divorced, the happier everyone will be.


Noah: What would you say if I asked you to marry me?
Alison: It would depend on the ring.
Noah: [presents her with a ring] Would that be OK?

Noah: There's nothing you can tell me that would make me give up on you. I know you don't trust a lot of people. Trust me.
Alison: Cole came to visit.

Scott Lockhart was a lowlife and a creep. And would I have wanted to kill him? Of course I would, but I didn't, because I'm a civilized human being.


You hit a deer. Was Scott Lockhart riding the deer at the time?

Jon Gottlief

Being alive is essentially a very lonely proposition. You have to mostly carry your pack alone. Nobody gets as much help as they need. But in marriage, things get less lonely, just a little, but it makes a big difference.


I just thought that if I could go somewhere else, or be with somebody else, then... But it doesn't leave you. And Noah tries to understand, I mean he wants to, but he can't.


Fine. I'll fix it. Where are the tools? What? He doesn't have tools?


Cole: What about him?
Alison: Noah?
Cole: He a good guy? Is he good to you?
Alison: Yeah. He is.

And it will never go back, you know? That's the terrible thing about living. You never get to back no matter how badly you miss it. You just gotta keep moving forward.


So polite. Clearly, you had excellent parents.


The Affair Quotes

Noah: I, I was a happy man back then. Proud of my family. My first book had just come out. Everything I dreamed I'd achieve as a young man, I'd done it.
Det; Jeffries: But.
Noah: That's just it. There is no but. When I look back, I can't tell you why it happened.

Noah: When's she going to college?
Helen: Twelve years.