Alison: Why don't you just say it? You were never going to leave her. This was never real. It's just been a game to you. Just say it, just tell me the truth.
Noah: You need some fuckin' faith, Alison.

Alison, it's a temporary solution to a really complicated situation.


At times like these we need to act from our higher selves. I'm gettin' a cup of fuckin' tea.


Noah: Bruce, that woman, the student in Michigan. Do you ever think about her?
Bruce: Every fuckin' day.

Seems to me this girl might have been your muse and now that she's gone you've forgotten you're afraid of the page. You got to harness that disappointment, son. If you know how to use it you might actually produce something worth reading this time.


Please. Please. You have to forgive me. I love you. We've been coming here for four months. I've taken all your fury. I walk out of here every Friday with my fucking underwear on my head. All I want is to move on. Just let me go Montauk for the weekend. Let me stand next to your g...jackass father. Let me do this for you. Please.


I think I wanted to make a mistake. I've never made a single fucking mistake in my whole god damn life. A person can't live like that.


Helen: Do you know why I married you?
Noah: Because you loved me?
Helen: I thought you were safe.

So what Shakespeare is trying to say is that perfect love cannot sustain in an imperfect world.


When my dad died, I figured out this trick for dealing with the pain. Because it would come in waves, you know. And then, just like a wave, eventually it passed, so I'd just start to count. One, two, three, sometimes twenty sometimes a hundred. Sometimes I make it all the way up to three thousand. I knew if I could just keep on counting, that eventually it would pass. So when, when Gabriel died, I tried that again. I'd wake up in the middle of the night and I'd be sweating and I'd just feel that darkness bearing down on me and I'd try counting, but this time it just wouldn't work becasue it's too dark and I'd forget the numbers, and I'd forget what order they're supposed to come in and the only thing, the only thing that made it better for me, made it so I could just breathe, just for a second, was you. And I thought if we could just keep on moving forward, if we could just move forward that eventually everything was gonna get better. It didn't get better. It just got worse. Sometimes I wonder if it's him. That this is his way of telling us if he can't be there, then we can't either.


Cole: This place smells like hell.
Alison: I kinda like it.
Cole: Do you smell that? You'd have to have a death wish to want to live here. Was it something I did?
Alison: No.
Cole: Ahhh. I feel like I'm gonna puke. Don't sit on that. No. Don't. Don't get your dress dirty.
Alison: I'm so sorry.

Helen: Listen, I never thanked you.
Alison: For what?
Helen: For what you did for my daughter.
Alison: It was nothing.
Helen: No. It wasn't.

The Affair Quotes

Noah: I, I was a happy man back then. Proud of my family. My first book had just come out. Everything I dreamed I'd achieve as a young man, I'd done it.
Det; Jeffries: But.
Noah: That's just it. There is no but. When I look back, I can't tell you why it happened.

Noah: When's she going to college?
Helen: Twelve years.