John: Remind me again what your costume is, Miss Howard.
Sara: I am a lady undercover on a Sunday stroll.
John: I would never guess.

Maybe your mother didn't teach you manners growing up, Moncton. So I'll forgive you for that. I don't expect you to like me. But what I do require is some respect and a modicum of civility.

Byrnes [to Moncton]

Hearst: Who in blazes turned my building into a flower market?
Moncton: I believe you ordered them, sir, for Miss Violet's party.
Hearst: Then you should have told me what a God-awful idea that was.

You see, they like to get you pregnant, to prove to their fellow financial types that their pecker still works. Set you up in an apartment with fancy clothes and such.


Libby: Oh, my! That's quite the armory you have here.
Sara: A legacy from my father.

I'm anxious about being late to the hospital. Matron is so ... unforgiving.

Libby [to Sara]

John: I see this couldn't have waited.
Violet: Then I couldn't get to see where you write your stories.

Maureen: What a beautiful dress Mr. Osgood sent! I hope you don't mind that I tried it on.
Emily: I don't care about a goddamned dress.

Libby: I don't want to get anyone in trouble, even if I do hate her.
Sara: The matron.

Lucius: It is merely science, Marcus. We are, after all, only biological matter.
Marcus: Yet animated, with a soul and a conscience.

John: How did you persuade them to let you down here?
Sara: I didn't ask.

Lucius: Entities are not to be multiplied without necessity.
Marcus: Occam's Razor.
Kreizler: Sometimes we look for complicated reasons when something is often straight forward.

The Alienist: Angel of Darkness Quotes

Martha: What are they calling me? Are they calling me a monster, Dr. Kreizler?
Kreizler: You are not a monster, Martha. It is the world that is monstrous.

Deputy Warden: In my book, butchering your own child is a crime against God and man.
Kreizler: Despite your polished shoes and shiny buttons, Deputy Warden, I do not believe your uniform gives you the right to pass sentence.