Sara: I could have shot you.
Kreizler: You'd been doing me a service.

Sara: A little rebellion now and then is a good thing, Mr. Byrnes.
Byrnes: The words of anarchists and agitators.
Sara: They're the words of Thomas Jefferson, Mr. Byrnes.

Moore: You dissemble with admirable ease, Miss Howard.
Sara: I have found that being able to tell a small white lie on occasion is a most useful skill, Mr. Moore.

Elizabeth: Sara, do what you can.
Sara: We will, Elizabeth, we will.

Martha: What are they calling me? Are they calling me a monster, Dr. Kreizler?
Kreizler: You are not a monster, Martha. It is the world that is monstrous.

Deputy Warden: In my book, butchering your own child is a crime against God and man.
Kreizler: Despite your polished shoes and shiny buttons, Deputy Warden, I do not believe your uniform gives you the right to pass sentence.

The Alienist: Angel of Darkness Quotes

Martha: What are they calling me? Are they calling me a monster, Dr. Kreizler?
Kreizler: You are not a monster, Martha. It is the world that is monstrous.

Deputy Warden: In my book, butchering your own child is a crime against God and man.
Kreizler: Despite your polished shoes and shiny buttons, Deputy Warden, I do not believe your uniform gives you the right to pass sentence.