John: We can always turn back.
Sara: Where would the fun be in that?

John: You look like you're dressed for a funeral.
Sara: I'm dressed for the night, John. We must see and not be seen.

Bitsie: There's a saying in Yiddish. "Mothers hold their children's hands for a short while but their hearts forever."
Sara: Senora Linares's heart must be breaking.

This [check] will cover the running of a small Caribbean nation. Be prudent.

Hearst [to Violet]

Certainly there are no poor huddled masses here [at Siegel Cooper].

Sara [to John]

Markoe: The alienist seeks to ruin me and the Lying-In Hospital. He seeks to ruin all of us. He's like a dog with a bone.
Byrnes: While, a dog just needs to know who his master is. I'll take care of it, him and the rest of his pack.

Kreizler: How good of you not to render moral judgment on the souls of these women, Dr. Markoe.
Markoe: You mock me, Dr. Kreizler. But only because you lost in court. Your vanity demands satisfaction.

Bernie: I doubt very much [Hearst] is going to like his future son-in-law palling around with the fragrant Miss Howard.
John: It's not like that, Bernie.
Bernie: Isn't it, John?

This is a real case. None of our previous endeavors made a difference but this one does. It's life and death, girls.

Sara [to Bitsie and Libby]

Violet: I fear that if I spoke with you for any length, you would know the deep recesses of my mind.
Kreizler: Or the shimmering shadows.
Moore: Laszlo! Sometimes you go too far.

Sara: I can help you, Laszlo.
Kreizler: Thank you for the bourbon, Sara. It was restorative.

Sara: I have American bourbon, straight up or watered down.
Kreizler: Hmm. I'll have that.

The Alienist: Angel of Darkness Quotes

Martha: What are they calling me? Are they calling me a monster, Dr. Kreizler?
Kreizler: You are not a monster, Martha. It is the world that is monstrous.

Deputy Warden: In my book, butchering your own child is a crime against God and man.
Kreizler: Despite your polished shoes and shiny buttons, Deputy Warden, I do not believe your uniform gives you the right to pass sentence.