Penny: Do you have any questions?
Gallo: Just one. When you made your husband pretend to be a patient so you could get access to me, what were you thinking there?

Gallo: Here is a man raised by an overbearing woman who completely dominated every aspect of his formative years. Do you think he's perpetuating that relationship by seeking out a partner like you?
Penny: You know, I used to wear tank tops a lot. That was a big selling point.

Penny: How can I not sound like his mother when our entire bedroom is filled with Star Wars toys? I mean have you ever had sex with a stuffed Wookie watching you?
Gallo: I went to college in the 70's. It was a hairier time. I'm going to say yes.

Amy: I'm just... really nervous.
Sheldon: Why?
Amy: I've been waiting for this for so long. I've just built it up in my head. I don't know what to expect.
Sheldon: Neither do I. But... we can find out together.

Sheldon: Not that, I understand the mechanics.
Professor Proton: Oh, good, good. Because I have no idea what kids these days are calling their, their parts.
Sheldon: I think they say "junk."
Professor Proton: What is happening to this world?

Let's get me waxed!


Then it's settled. Amy's birthday present will be my genitals.


Intimacy in any form has been challenging for me, but I'd like to show her how important she is, and it feels like now might be the right time.


For future reference, if I want to watch mean girls, I'll stream on Netflix.


Are you sure? You've never really been with a man. Do you really want to start with one that's 6'7"?

You're inviting him into your home. It's intimate. It's where your underpants live.


Do you sing along with the greatest hits of Elvis Presley with that mouth?


The Big Bang Theory Season 9 Quotes

Some important new information has come to light. Women are the worst. I thought it was paper cuts, but I was wrong. No piece of paper ever cut me this deep.


Whatever. Put us on the internet. I've always wanted a wedding with a comments section.
