(Singing) Thor and Dr Jones, Thor and Dr. Jones. One plays with lightening, the other plays with bones.

Howard and Raj

Age is a state of mind, Leonard. In here, I'm 90.


Blue Icees and a trip to the container store? It's like I died and went to the postmortem neuron induced hallucination commonly mistaken as heaven.


Amy got her ears pierced, she broke up with Sheldon, and she made us eat penis cookies.


If there was a hidden compartment, don't you think you'd be stuffed in it by now?


Howard: I bet he picked up a lot of cute grad students in this bad boy.
Sheldon: And talked about physics with them!

It's bad enough I'm being taken against my will. I don't see why it has to be in some hippie's mobile sex dungeon.


Boy if my mom could see me now, she'd lock me in the sin closet.


Penny: Sheldon, I can't believe you got us a wedding gift.
Sheldon: I don't know why you're so surprised. I watch movies. I see what people do.

I've loved you since the moment we met, and I'll love you until the end of time.


Leonard: Penny, after all these years, I still feel like maybe I don't deserve you.
Penny: Okay, that is the lamest excuse you could have possibly come up with. But I get it.
Leonard: You do?
Penny: Yeah. Sometimes I worry I'm gonna wake up, and you're going to leave me for someone like you.

The show must go on, and thankfully all the things my girlfriend used to do can be taken care of with my right hand.


The Big Bang Theory Season 9 Quotes

Some important new information has come to light. Women are the worst. I thought it was paper cuts, but I was wrong. No piece of paper ever cut me this deep.


Whatever. Put us on the internet. I've always wanted a wedding with a comments section.
