If I let you die to save Raymond's soul, how will I ever save my own?

Dembe [to Sadiq]

Dembe: A man's life is more important than a man's secret.
Sadiq: Some lives are built on secrets. And when they are revealed, the life they are built on ends as well.

You're a lawyer. What does "moral character" have to do with anything?

Red [to Marvin]

Ruel: Who says I'm talking? I'm here for the view [looking at Liz].
Ressler: Yeah, I know I'm pretty. But you're not my type.

I love a locked-room mystery.


Doctor: Maybe you can get him to listen to reason.
Dembe: It's unlikely but I'll try.
Doctor: Try hard. His life depends on it.

Clearly the prospect of my death doesn't shake your faith. How about we see if the prospect of yours shakes [Dembe's]? Why don't you pray on that?

Katarina [to Sadiq]

The Blacklist Season 7 Episode 18 Quotes

Doctor: Maybe you can get him to listen to reason.
Dembe: It's unlikely but I'll try.
Doctor: Try hard. His life depends on it.

Clearly the prospect of my death doesn't shake your faith. How about we see if the prospect of yours shakes [Dembe's]? Why don't you pray on that?

Katarina [to Sadiq]