Therapist: So what brings you here today?
Sutton: Well, a friend of mine noticed I’ve been drinking a lot, and my mom’s an alcoholic. I’m sorry. I wasn’t expecting that. So I guess I’m just trying to get ahead of a potential problem.
Therapist: That’s very brave of you to do that.
Sutton: I’ve actually been doing really great. I love my job and my friends are amazing. I am getting divorced, but I’ve been through all the stages -- anger, sadness, denial. I threw a divorce party, which was actually really helpful.
Therapist: But you’re drinking too much.
Sutton: A couple of glasses a day. I mean who doesn’t have the occasional wild night, am I right?
Therapist: I’m not as concerned as how much you drink as what drives you to drink.
Sutton: ‘Cause it’s fun. I don’t know. I’ve never really thought about it.

Adena: You’re gonna take [Jacqueline] up on that, aren’t you?
Kat: I think she was just saying that to be nice.
Adena: No, Kat, she wasn’t just being nice. She was being Jacqueline, and Jacqueline knows a lot about building a magazine.
Kat: OK, I’ll talk to her.

Ian: Honey, you chose Jane to cover you on our trip for a reason.
Jacqueline: I know, but what if she needs my help?
Ian: If she’s ever going to learn how to be editor-in-chief, she’s got to do it alone. We deserve this. So does Jane.

Richard: So how have you been?
Sutton: That’s a loaded question. Work is good, and you know, friends are good. Marriage…
Richard: Yeah.

Sutton: I just saw Richard. He seems happy.
Jane: What do you mean happy?
Sutton: I don’t know. He was smiling, and he ate an entire bowl of pasta. I mean who can eat an entire bowl of pasta in front of the love of their life that they’re about to divorce?
Kat: I mean have you ever heard of stress eating?
Sutton: It didn’t feel like that. I want him to be happy, but am I that easy to move on from?
Kat: No.
Jane: Absolutely not.

Jacqueline: What if we bring Don’t Turn Away into Scarlet?
Kat: Um, I’m sorry.
Jacqueline: Social activism has become so important to our readers, and you have created a call to action that holds people accountable and demands change. And if you make this part of Scarlet, you have your budget, marketing infrastructure, access to our 6.2 million readers.
Kat: So you’re saying Don’t Turn Away could be a vertical.
Jacqueline: I think it could be, yes.
Kat: Wow, is it OK if I take some time to think it over?
Jacqueline: I’d be disappointed if you didn’t.

Sutton: He was happier than I expected. I was expecting him to be devasted.
Therapist: The fact that he wasn’t…
Sutton: It made me sad.
Therapist: There is no judgment here.
Sutton: Seeing him happy reminded me how I felt as a kid.
Therapist: With your mom?
Sutton: My dad actually. He left when I was young, and I just remember when he would come back, he had this whole other life. I didn’t think about it until right now, but I feel like… it made me feel like I wasn’t enough, that my dad was happier somewhere else. Is it weird that my husband is bringing up old stuff with my dad?
Therapist: Not at all.
Sutton: Well, you said no judgment so I’ll just say it: I really wish that I could have a shot of tequila right now.
Therapist: Why?
Sutton: So that I wouldn’t have to feel the pain, the fear of not being enough, all of it.
Therapist: So you drink to stop yourself from feeling the things that hurt the most.
Sutton: I guess so.
Therapist: And now that you know why you drink, the real work begins.

Kat: I don’t think I can do it.
Adena: OK, why?
Kat: ‘Cause Don’t Turn Away is our thing.
Adena: It could still be our thing.
Kat: Not if we’re working for a corporation.
Adena: What do you think a VC firm is?
Kat: That’s different. A VC firm contributes to your success. A corporation owns it, and I just feel really claustrophobic, and I think that’s a sign I can't do it.
Adena: Or maybe it’s a sign that you hate the idea of commitment.
Kat: Commitment’s not my favorite thing in the world.
Adena: Look, Don’t Turn Away is going to be a huge success no matter what. I just wouldn’t want you to walk because you’re afraid of losing control. Jacqueline’s not RJ, and maybe you can find a way to commit but still make it your own, if you want to.

Jacqueline: I have this gut that [Kat] is going to be asset to the future of Scarlet.
Oliver: Those three are going to run this place one day.
Jacqueline: Yeah, they are. It’s actually a strange feeling.
Oliver: What is?
Jacqueline: Well, Jane is ready. I want her to be ready. I spent years getting her ready, and she is now, and I don’t know. maybe, there’s a part of me is ready too.
Oliver: What are you saying?
Jacqueline: Maybe my vacation with Ian isn't a vacation. Maybe it’s the beginning of a new chapter together.

Kat: I took the Scarlet offer.
Adena: Oh my god, so Don’t Turn Away…
Kat: Is now under the Scarlet umbrella. Six million followers, and our budget is insane.
Adena: Kat, this is amazing. What made you change your mind?
Kat: Well, you were right. I was afraid if I committed to Scarlet, I’d lose control, so I went in there, laid out all the things I needed to make sure that didn’t happen, and Jacqueline said ‘yes’ to all of it.
Adena: Can you just think about all the people you’re going to be able to help now.
Kat: All the people we’re gonna help.

I never would have gotten this far without you. I’m always better with you.


Sutton: When I saw you the other day, you seemed really happy, and I want you to be happy, like I really do, but it also made me feel kind of bad, you know? That we, that I, I don’t know. That maybe you’re happier without me. That probably sounds really pathetic.
Richard: No, it doesn’t, but I’m glad you said something. I seemed happy because I had just gotten off the phone with an adoption agency, and I decided to start the process.
Sutton: Wow.
Richard: Yeah, it’s really early, and there are interviews and character references and so many things I don’t know about yet.
Sutton: That’s really great.
Richard: Sutton, I will never ever think that what we had was anything but incredible. I love you, and I will always love you. And every day still sucks.
Sutton: It sucks so bad.
Richard: I miss you.
Sutton: I miss you too.

The Bold Type Season 5 Episode 5 Quotes

Adena: You’re gonna take [Jacqueline] up on that, aren’t you?
Kat: I think she was just saying that to be nice.
Adena: No, Kat, she wasn’t just being nice. She was being Jacqueline, and Jacqueline knows a lot about building a magazine.
Kat: OK, I’ll talk to her.

Therapist: So what brings you here today?
Sutton: Well, a friend of mine noticed I’ve been drinking a lot, and my mom’s an alcoholic. I’m sorry. I wasn’t expecting that. So I guess I’m just trying to get ahead of a potential problem.
Therapist: That’s very brave of you to do that.
Sutton: I’ve actually been doing really great. I love my job and my friends are amazing. I am getting divorced, but I’ve been through all the stages -- anger, sadness, denial. I threw a divorce party, which was actually really helpful.
Therapist: But you’re drinking too much.
Sutton: A couple of glasses a day. I mean who doesn’t have the occasional wild night, am I right?
Therapist: I’m not as concerned as how much you drink as what drives you to drink.
Sutton: ‘Cause it’s fun. I don’t know. I’ve never really thought about it.