So it's reunited but it doesn't feel so good?


All the women's magazines are always encouraging you to be a new you, but being a new Carrie wouldn't be enough. I needed to be a new Larissa.

I can't think of anything I would be less excited about than work. I plan to avoid work my entire life, I'm gonna have to figure out how to do that.


Carrie: Well, for the first time in my life, I'm going to use "flabbergasted" in a sentence. I am flabbergasted.
Maggie: You should have him. He practically apologized to me. Clearly, he misses me.
Mouse: I officially join your flabbergastation.

Mr. Bradshaw: When you turn 17, I'll get you a credit card.
Dorrit: I'd like that in writing.

Don't suck up to me. And don't suck face in front of me.


Just because you caused a problem doesn't mean it doesn't hurt.

I think I know why they call it falling in love...because it feels like falling off a cliff.

Sebastian: I want you to have all the French fries you want.
Carrie: I think that's the sweetest thing anyone's ever said to me.

Walt: Does that hurt?
Donna: Yes, but I like pain. It feels so good.

Logistics are for lame asses who don't know what they want. I know what I want.


You're gonna chase her to New York? That's like the grandest grand gesture ever.


The Carrie Diaries Quotes

It was like putting a hot dog in a keyhole.


It's always the same dream. I'm in the city and I belong. Manhattan is mine. But then I always wake up. The same old Carrie Bradshaw in Castlebury Connecticut.
