Some of us were built to fight.


Trey: Lt. Dobbins will be putting her favorite defense attorney on this case.
Abe: You mean herself?

I have to attend to matters that matter.


Maya: Do you make money from shame?
Van Horn: I'm saving up for a Ninja.

That's a stretch. I don't like stretches. Leads to muscle pulls in a man my age.

Judge Zugler

I'm talking about a mob that won't stop howling until you go away forever.

Glenn [to Burston]

Maholm: What'd you say to him?
Glenn: Not much. Just two grownups talking.
Maholm: Remind me not to get on your bad side.

If you're going to speak out against something, you kind of have to tell people what you're doing.

Trey [to Rami]

Harper: Hold up. You go to Key West and I go to North Dakota?
Abe: Can't be helped, Lieutenant. I have to be back in time to pick up DanI Hunt from school.

Abe: Honestly, I'm too tired to change the channel.
Alex: Welcome to parenting.

You delivered the government's case to them in a heart-shaped box.

Trey [to Van Horn]

There's nothing to indicate Adam was in those tunnels. But there's nothing to indicate he wasn't.

Glenn [to Maya]

The Code Quotes

Abe: Too bad we're lawyers. We don't pursue ideals. We pursue ...
Trey: Outcomes. Uh-hmm.

Abe: Pay attention, Rami. I've got a legitimate excuse today.
Rami: The clothes. It's got something to do with the clothes.