Dawes: This isn't your beat. What you want?
Miller: Juliette Andromeda Mao. She's OPA. Parents want her found.
Dawes: What'd you say her name was?
Miller: Julie. Julie Mao.
Dawes: She any relation to Jules-Pierre Mao?
Miller: Well, you crewed her up on a ship called the Scopuli. You know, the one Mars used to kill the Canterbury.

Ceres is our station. The key to the belt. With those resources Mars could finally cut the cord to Earth.


Our ship was destroyed answering a bogus S.O.S. mission by the Scopuli. We recovered a false beacon and identified it as Martian Naval technology. It was a trap.


Holden: It just needs to reach one ship, one station and it will spread.
Alex: Don't count on it. The jammers were in range.

Holden: They just dusted 50 of our friends.
Naomi: Well let's not make it 55.
Holden: Alex, I am telling you to go after that ship.
Amos: What if they don't like being followed?

Naomi: If your girlfriend logged that distress call, she's going to be living it down for a long time.
Holden: I did it. I just couldn't shake it.
Naomi: I'd keep that to myself if I were you.

Amos: It's a transmitter.
Naomi: This must be the beacon that called us. Somebody planted it.
Amos: Pirate bait. McDowell was right.

Miller: So what's my contract exactly?
Captain Shaddid: Find Julie Mao, if she's still here on Ceres detain her and ship her home.
Miller: Kidnap job. My pleasure.

The Expanse Quotes

Naomi: If your girlfriend logged that distress call, she's going to be living it down for a long time.
Holden: I did it. I just couldn't shake it.
Naomi: I'd keep that to myself if I were you.

Miller: So what's my contract exactly?
Captain Shaddid: Find Julie Mao, if she's still here on Ceres detain her and ship her home.
Miller: Kidnap job. My pleasure.