You know what I found out about Artificial Speed Forces? Thawne built one, and that's it. And I doubt he's gonna tell us, seeing how he's Linda Blaired our pal Nash and you know, he kinda wants to murder the hell out of us.


Speed Force: Barry Allen, we forgive you. You did the right thing. You saved our universe. You never could have foreseen what that cost. You only have a few steps left before we're gone from you entirely, but I know you will use them well. The lightning chose you and it was the best decision that we, I ever made. You showed us the greatest force of all. I love you. I love you. I love you, my beautiful, beautiful boy.
Barry: Mom, Mom don't go.

Wally: We can't punish ourselves for the mistakes we've made. That's a closed door. But we can take responsibility for our actions, no matter how great the obstacle to overcome.
Barry: Amala teach you that too?
Wally: No, you did.

Wally: Lately I've been sensing that there is something wrong with the Speed Force.
Barry: Mm, a disturbance in the Speed Force you feel.

Cisco: You're not Nash.
Eobard: Hello, Cisco.

Caitlin: Air traffic controls are reporting a helicopter in distress.
Kamilla: Why is it every time I come to visit, all hell is breaking loose?

Barry: You with me?
Wally: Always.

Barry: I held her in my arms. I watched her die all over again. The Speed Force is dead because of me, because of my choices. I just wanted to save everyone, to save you.
Clone Iris: And you did. Barry none of this is your fault.
Barry: Now I won't be able to save anyone. What am I supposed to do without my speed?
Clone Iris: Maybe this is for the best.
Barry: What?
Clone Iris: Everything happens for a reason, right? Maybe you weren't supposed to be The Flash forever. I mean, don't you think that after everything the Speed Force has put you through, all the pain, all the heartache, all the death, don't you think you deserve a real life? Barry, all the world's problems on your shoulders, that shouldn't have been your burden to bear.
Barry: You're serious?
Clone Iris: I am. This could be our chance, to have a normal life, start a family. You deserve to be happy just like everyone else. Don't you want that?

Iris: Barry calls me his lightning rod. He used to say he could find me anywhere in the universe.
Eva: Seems like there's nothing he wouldn't do for you.

Power didn't bring happiness. It brought pain. New Grodd wants a new path. Grodd wants to peace with his own kind. Gorilla City is the only place Grodd ever, ever felt happy.


Frost: Look, I hate to break it to you, but accidentally putting Barry's life in danger is kind of a rite of passage around here. We've all done it: Cisco, me, Ralph, even the janitor. Put too much wax on the floor.

Frost: Well, as my life coach Ralph would say, you can't let that stop you.
Nash: Ralph is your life coach?