Tara: Dr. Murphy, will you sit with me?
Shaun: What do you want to know?
Tara: Nothing. I just wanted someone to be here in case I croak. That's probably all your annoying girlfriend wants too. To know you're there.
Shaun: Carly is in good health and not likely to die anytime soon.
Tara: Some girls have all the luck.

I'm a freak too. People used to call me that too because I am not neurotypical. And for a long time I was alone. And sometimes that felt easier because it is hard to be around people when you are not like them. But now I have Dr. Glassman and a female roommate and a girlfriend who is only annoying some of the time. If you are cured, you can be outdoorsy, or you can stay inside and have phone sex. It's your choice.


Tara: How long was I in the open?
Shaun: Thirteen minutes.
[Shaun's phone dings.]
Tara: That's annoying.
Shaun: I know. But we did the best -
Tara: I mean your phone.
Shaun: Yes, that is annoying.
Tara: I bet it's your girlfriend.
Shaun: How did you know?
Tara: Only annoying girlfriends text that much. I know because I used to be one.
Shaun: I'm supposed to flirt with her, but I don't know what to say. Did your boyfriend break up with you, too, for being annoying?
Tara: No. He died. That's the downside of outsurviving your condition. You outsurvive everyone else, too. Here, get your phone out. I'll tell you what to text. I'm very good at phone sex. It's the only kind I can have.

Charlie: Can I -
Claire: No.
Morgan: Better be quick.
Claire: What?
Morgan: We're giving a sad, nearly blind kid a few more moments in the sun. We could get an award for this.

Claire: We have to get you back before your parents start to worry.
Charlie: We're three years, five months too late.

Morgan: How did your talk with Charlie go?
Claire: He wants to be left alone.
Morgan: YOU want to be left alone.
Claire: And yet, here we are.
Morgan: Come on; 12-year-old facing impending blindness. That's Claire catnip. You have to talk to him.

Kid: Do you know why blind people don't skydive? Because it scares the hell out of the dog.
Father: Let the doctors finish, bud.
Kid: Yeah. Real eye out. Fake eye in. Just like the last time, I got this.

Lea: Good morning. [Phone rings] That was your first ding.
Shaun: That is Carly. She arrived at her pathology conference..
Carly: You need to text her back.
Shaun: She did not ask a question. It does not require a response.

The Good Doctor Season 3 Episode 7 Quotes

Kid: Do you know why blind people don't skydive? Because it scares the hell out of the dog.
Father: Let the doctors finish, bud.
Kid: Yeah. Real eye out. Fake eye in. Just like the last time, I got this.

Lea: Good morning. [Phone rings] That was your first ding.
Shaun: That is Carly. She arrived at her pathology conference..
Carly: You need to text her back.
Shaun: She did not ask a question. It does not require a response.