Shaun: During your career, you have removed more surgical sponges than anyone else.
Glassman: It's a unique skill on my resume, right under juggling.

Jordan: The best way to gather evidence is a rape kit.
Patient: No. I don't need that. I was with my friend. He wouldn't let anything like that happen.

Jordan: Have you ever heard of breadcrumbing?
Perez: No. Does it have to do with pigeons?

Glassman: I shouldn't have let you talk to them.
Jordan: I was direct and honest.
Glassman: Honest? Really? Talking about miracles? You made them think there's hope.
Jordan: There is. As long as there's nothing wrong with her heart and brain, there's a chance.
Glassman: 11 weeks premature, lungs filled with fluid, she has a birth defect. Chances are, she's not going to survive. You need to stop being a cheerleader and start being a doctor.

Jordan: These parents are heroes. Look at what they went through to have these six babies.
Glassman: The word heroes is thrown around too easily these days. Bringing these babies into the world 11 weeks early isn't ideal.
Jordan: We're going to save them all.
Glassman: If we do, we're the heroes.

Park: Are you sure you want to have a baby?
Morgan: Why? I'm too ambitious to be a good mother just like I was too ambitious to be a good girlfriend?
Park: No, you'll love this baby more than anything and put it before everything. I did with mine. But if you have the baby before you get the guy, it can be hard to find the guy after.
Morgan: So I shouldn't have a baby because I won't be able to get a man? Okay, caveman.

Park: Tell me you're not on Tinder.
Morgan: You're in violation of our medicine only agreement that you insisted on.

Perez: Good luck with the appointment. You'll make a great dad.
Shaun: You are not qualified to make that assessment.

I didn't realize there was a special consultation procedure for ex-wives. Whatever it is, tell me and I'll do it.


Isobel: Thanks for taking this on.
Andrews: The hard part isn't over. It's just beginning.

Shaun: She [Powell] is annoying.
Lea: How is she annoying?
Shaun: She is... contrary.
Lea: Sounds like someone we know.
Shaun: Yes, but I like Morgan.

Powell: Air conditioning is still working at the VA.
Lim: I have physical therapy in 20.
Powell: You do physical therapy when you're injured.
Lim: I am injured.
Powell: No. You were injured. Now I see a woman in front of me who is whole and healthy and I can't wait until you see yourself that way too.

The Good Doctor Quotes

Asher: We'd have to remove her uterus and they're starting a family.
Shaun: She won't be able to have a baby if she's dead.

Olivia: I never wanted to be a doctor. But every time I tried to say so my parents and professors and you pushed me and encouraged me til I backed down. So I knew if I got fired, there was no way you could pep-talk me back into a career I don't want.
Andrews: Livvie...
Olivia: I don't want to be important or successful. I just want to be myself. But I don't even know who that is. So the only way I can find out is if I burn my bridges behind me.