
You win the election. You think it's over. It's never over.


This is a press witch hunt. They like building people up so they can knock them down. Now it's Alicia's turn.


The law is suppose to be fair, not impersonal. In fact I would argue that the law is always personal. It has to see the human side too or else it's meaningless.


I'm sorry Sir, but if you want to decide on gay marriage you have to see who you’re impacting and it can’t be an actor.


You're like an 18-year-old. Everything's about where you can stick it.


Peter: You have to control the narrative.
Alicia: To keep me from looking like the slutty wife?

If you don't want a story told, it's better to tell it yourself.


Eli: OK. Strategy session. Two pronged attack.
Marissa: Oh, I love the two prongs. Even as a kid we had two pronged attacks.

Respectfully Alicia, our interests have not been aligned since you used our office as a staging ground for your political career.


Be a Disney Princess but don't tell money men like Redmayne anything but what they want to hear.


You mean the man, Guy Redmayne who came in here and pressed his groin against me, compared my feet to those of an Arizona prostitute and then demanded that I hire a deputy SA of his choosing?


Good Wife Quotes

Cary: How are things in the bar attorney trenches?
Alicia: Same as there only without the fees, resources or muffins.

There is a mutiny brewing below deck and we are going to start losing good, young associates because of him.
