Henri: Martha, while I appreciate your enthusiasm for our customs, we are here to find a sister city, not a twin.
Martha: Oh my goodness. I apologize for my faux pas.
Henri: Oh, no apologies necessary, but we were hoping for a little bit more of the TRUE Middleton spirit. Tell me, will we be seeing any more of George?

Abigail: I don't want to break up tonight!
Donovan: Then we won't. The only thing that can break us up is us.
Abigail: I don't think it's that easy. We have to find the other part of the cipher. Cracking the code is our best change to break the curse.

Samantha: Nice to meet you.
George: Nice to be met.

George: I haven't asked anyone out in a long time.
Cassie: Are you afraid she'll say no?
George: I'm afraid she'll say yes. I'm not quite sure I know how to woo someone.
Cassie: Well, you don't have to woo. You just have to be you.

Stephanie: I don't know what to do. I mean, I know that I want to help.
Sam: You are.
Stephanie: Sometimes, I just sit there in silence.
Sam: Sometimes that's exactly what the person needs.

Sydney: My paper had a lot of research. Critical perspectives.
Cassie: But it didn't have yours.

Joy: I was wrong about the dream.
Abigail: Wrong how?
Donovan: We don't break up?
Joy: No, you have to.
Abigail: What are you talking about?
Joy: Breaking up is your only chance of being together.

Joy: All the energy you're putting into not breaking up is energy you should be putting into breaking the curse.
Abigail: You think the curse is a distraction?
Joy: I know it is.
Abigail: Well, I know that I want to be with Donovan.
Joy: Then you will be, but you've gotta trust me.

Abigail: You were right.
Joy: You and Donovan broke up.
Abigail: We had to.

Adam: [sighs] Tumor. My arm was asleep.
Sam: Sometimes, people don't have any symptoms at all. Your arm weakness helped us catch it early.

Claire: What I don't see is a baby section.
Martha: Perhaps we should think outside the crib. Oh! For example, these owl bookends would quite be a hoot!

Claire: Dylan and I are a little less hoot and far more elegant.
Martha: Oh. Far be it for me to want to liven up the baby's room.

Sam: You made me a mix-tape?
Adam: Yeah! I know how you like to play music while you're in the OR.
Sam: [laughs] You didn't have to bring your own.
Adam: Oh, yes I did. That '80s pop you're playing? Isn't gonna cut it.
Sam: What's wrong with '80s pop?
Adam: So many things.

Good Witch Season 6 Quotes

Adam: It's Cassie. She's gonna love anything that comes from you.
Sam: I don't want it to be just anything. I want it to be-
Adam: Better than Paul McCartney.
Sam: Better than Paul McCartney.

Adam: Oh, nice.
Sam: As nice as handwritten lyrics signed by Paul McCartney?
Adam: Ooh. Definitely not.
Sam: You call that helpful?