Girls, quit it. You're both pretty.

Eve [to Jacob and Ezekiel]

I didn't mean to lose it. I'm sorry, Daddy.

Milton Loveday

Janet: History is a theme park, if you package it right.
Jacob: This is where you and I are going to have a lot of disagreement.

I tell you what, it's bad stuff.

Jacob [to Eve]

Jenkins, we have to talk!

Cassandra [to Jenkins]

Jenkins: Well, at least she's acclimating.
Eve: For better or worse.

Jenkins [squinting]: What does that say?
Cassandra: It says you need bifocals.

Ezekiel: Who's going to help me inventory the New Artifact room if you go?
Cassandra: By help, you mean do it for you?
Ezekiel: Exactly.

Cassandra: I think I'm getting the hang of this being-normal thing.
Jenkins: I think I speak for all of us when I say that would be a tragedy.

You know, you really are a go-getter.

Councilman Weeks [to Cassandra]

So much for a town where no one can get hurt.


Cassandra: Where is [the fairy] going?
Councilman Weeks: Back where it belongs.

The Librarians Season 4 Quotes

Head priest: Do you believe in God?
Park ranger: Yes.
Head priest: Good. Then it's time for you to meet him.

Jacob: Pan flute. A little mood music.
Jenkins: No sir. This is not a Zamfir concert.