All I'm saying is, you think you've seen stories like this before, so you can guess what's going to happen. Who's important and who isn't, but that's because you're trapped in your POV. You have a classic case of white male protagonism Derek, and a Librarian simply cannot have that. But that's why these books are so important, they're such a gift. They can allow you to see other points of view, and once you start seeing that you'll find that the story doesn't end the way you think, and most important, characters who you expect.


People in cages is never not personal, sweetie.


You'd be a very high-level X-Men like Emma Frost's, Diamond Form.


Why? Because I like fettuccine and I hate rose, you think you know me? You don't Hoberman, because if you did, you would know. I don't need a partner in crime.


Eliot (The Monster): This body hearts tequila. When I'm happy. When I'm sad. When I'm bored. Because everything is taking too long - meaning you. Relevant story: I was in the road, and I almost hit by a whatdoyacallit -- big fat truck? But I wouldn't have felt anything at all because tequila is my friend.

I cannot believe a bunch of militant muggles beat me to burning down Brakebills.


Eliot's not here sweetie. I am.


I'm a grown woman. You're a grown woman. We make choices. Is there something I'm missing here?


Alpacas can be supreme dicks.


Alright Fen. I think I will do a ritual. Earth specialty, it's called The Sleep of Solitude. I pop an Ambien. Everyone leaves me alone til noon. That'll be perfect.


I didn't come here to make up with you. I came here to save your life. I'm just trying to figure out how to fix this mountain of shit that I've created.


Word of advice, because I cans ee you need it. Apologize for what you've done, fine. But never for who you are.

Christopher Plover

The Magicians Quotes

Dean: Snuck a box of Oreos.
Quentin: Magicians can't eat Oreos?
Dean: Diabetics can't eat Oreos.

I can't just go to Yale if I know this place exists.
