Penny 40: Appreciate the level of sincere grief dude. I seem to remember when I kicked it, you laughing.
Quentin: (laughing) I'm really sorry about that.
Penny 40: It's okay. I've met you.

I think you know your answer now. The story for them its just starting, but it won't be the same story, because of you. You didn't just save their lives, you changed their lives, as much as they changed yours. You didn't want to leave all that did you?

Penny 40

The fuck did they do to my castle?


The Magicians Quotes

Dean: Snuck a box of Oreos.
Quentin: Magicians can't eat Oreos?
Dean: Diabetics can't eat Oreos.

I can't just go to Yale if I know this place exists.
