Lisbon: Sweetie, it's all right. We're with the CBI.
Jane: I know it sounds made up but we have a website and everything.

Lisbon: Visualize has a college.
Cho: Apparently you major in yourself.

Jane: This is Red John.
Lisbon: How can you tell?
Jane: Because when it's him I can feel it.

Lisbon: Look, I hope we can get you out of this mess. But it's also true that I do hope that you learn a lesson from this. There are real boundaries in life. These are real prison walls.
Jane: (almost whispering) Only in your mind, Lisbon. Only in your mind.

Patrick: Let's keep it casual to start with Sophie. Let her relax. If she gets her guard up, we'll get nothing from her.
Teresa: You're very combative all of a sudden.
Patrick: Yeah, if she is guilty, she lied to me and I believed it. She fooled me.
Teresa: The ultimate sin.
Patrick: Yes it is.

Rigsby: Doctor say what the problem is?
Cho: Yeah. Getting hit by a car.

Grace: I shot and killed my last boyfriend. I'm not ready for a relationship yet.
Doc: OK. Raincheck?

I love it Lisbon. The beautiful soul defense.


Cho: Nice. I could arrest you for that.
Jane: You'll never take me alive, copper.
Cho: Seriously.
Jane: Seriously, it's Marilyn and Charlie. What, do you want to make a comedy arrest, see your name written in the weird news section?

Van Pelt: We're on duty -
Rigsby: I know, it would be totally wrong.

Deak: And you should have gone to jail you miserable sleazebag.
Jane: Well, nice to meet you too.

Jane: Oh, please don't look at each other like that.
Lisbon: Like what? You can't see.
Jane: I can feel. I can feel your pity.

The Mentalist Quotes

Grace Van Pelt: Mr. Jane, I have a question regarding your previous career path.
Patrick Jane: Fire away.
Grace Van Pelt: When you met with other psychics, real psychics, could they tell you were just pretending?
Patrick Jane: There's no such thing as real psychics.

Greetings old friend, it's been a while. I hope you are keeping well. I am thriving and happy. I have 12 wives now and will soon begin courting number 13. Why can't you catch me? You must feel so powerless and stupid and sad. Oh well. All the best. Red John.

Grace Van Pelt