We're done. There's nothing more to do here.


If you have ever done anything even remotely questionable, we will find out and we will prosecute.


I don't have to use a funny voice, you know who this is.


Abbott: It's a damn shame Teresa. By all accounts, you were a good cop.
Lisbon: I still am.

Don't be timid now Patrick. I could have killed you many times and I haven't.


Take it down a notch people. He isn't Al Capone.


Jane: You lied to me.
Bertram: As did you. What a couple of scamps we are. I promise that is the last lie I will ever tell you.

If it were up to me you'd be headed home in a cargo plane with a sack over your head.


I'm done with that life. I did what I had to do and I've moved on.


I know you're drug dealers. I don't judge. I'm wanted for homicide myself in the US.


Jane: You called me an asset. That's so touching.
Abbott: I'm an optimist.

Fischer: I was so certain I had him figured out.
Lisbon: Welcome to my life.

The Mentalist Quotes

Lisbon: How are the kids?
Rigsby: Sticky mostly.

Jane: You look marginally rested.
Lisbon: I was hoping to actually get to REM sleep tonight.