Merciful Jesus please make Mindy show up and let the Yankees scout some good Dominicans this season.


Is it offensive to say that I only trust an older white man to give me the news?


Kim Kardashian made a sex tape?


Danny: Maybe you should leave the marketing strategy to partners a little less cloaked in shame. You know, the taxi video.
Jeremy: Mindy, you know, don't dwell on the past. Just focus on trying to make the future less disastrous.

I'm not jealous of a guy who wears boot cut jeans ok?


Guys I dropped a Mike and Ike on the floor! I need all eyes on this.


To show my gratitude for this kindness, we can choose any city of the Real Housewives to watch.

It's cool if you're into me. Kevin Garnett once bought me a Coke at a P.F. Changs.

How much for that sea much for this flightless bird?


Wouldn't Prince Harry's Instagram be so good?

Danny: You're the lady that says she'll have what she's having.
Mindy: I'm Rob Reiner's mother?

Danny: How many best friends from college do you have?
Mindy: Best friend isn't a person Danny it's a tier.

The Mindy Project Season 1 Quotes

After four vodka sodas I realized, I had something to say.


Daniel Castellano, I'm the man that is going to take a person out of you. I don't take that responsibility lightly okay?
