Laura: Yesterday you had forgot that an entire conversation had taken place.
Jake: I have a minor heart condition as a result of the shooting.

Jake: You are one hell of a liar.
Laura: Thank you. I learned from the best.

Are you kidding me?! Seven dollars for a box of crackers. Do you have a layaway program?

Don't punish with silence, I can't take it.


Our parents gave us logic problems at dinner, didn't solve it, no dessert.


Jake: I don't see a phone, do you?
Laura: Nope, which is very weird cause kids these days are surgically tethered to their phones.

You like the graph? I was thinking pie chart but at the last minute I went with the graph.


Laura: When you have kids you'll understand.
Meredith: [laughing] Kids? I'm not even seeing anyone.
Laura: [clearly knows something] Of course you're not.

[talking about Nina] She went from having no one to being showered with affection and support.

Just because you write something in dry erase marker doesn't make it true.

Laura: Why do you think we doubled our life insurance once we started working together?
Jake: We doubled our life insurance when we started working together?
Laura: [pausing for a moment] I doubled our life insurance.

Jake: Is that a hickey on your neck?
Laura: You know what? Just don't look at my neck, look at your own neck.

The Mysteries of Laura Season 2 Quotes

Jake: Is that a hickey on your neck?
Laura: You know what? Just don't look at my neck, look at your own neck.

Jake: [after getting out of the car] The DMV does offer a refresher course, free of charge.
Laura: Six years of partnering with Billy and he never once criticized my driving.
Jake: Not to your face.
Laura: Excuse me! I just spent the last five months driving your ass to physical therapy, cooking your ass nightly meals, washing your dirty ass clothes, cleaning your dirty ass bachelor pad and raising your smart ass sons. Have a little respect.
Jake: I have a lot of respect.
Laura: Damn right.