Toby: Let's just say I'll be up to my neck in jury duty.
Michael: That was the worst joke ever.

Toby: I just wanted to let you know that I'll be taking a leave of absence starting next week.
Michael: Oh because you've been on the lam? Because the boring police have been after you? And they finally caught up with you?

Do you have any idea how many photographers there are at a ribbon cutting ceremony? I do. Two.


Oh my God, it's the first snowfall of Christmas. Is that just so magical for you, little girl? Can you not wait to have a hot chocolate and cuddle up with Poppa and tell him about all your Christmas dreams? Hmmm? It's not even real snow. Look it's dusting. Pitiful.

Dwight [to Jim]

Yes, Erin and I are still dating. Why do you ask me so often if we're still dating?

Gabe (to cameraman)

At its worst it was a toxic, political club used to make others feel miserable and left out. At its best, it planned parties.


I can't get anything lately unless I threaten to kill myself.


Nate: I wasn't here.
Pam: What?
Nate: I wasn't here. It's a pretty common saying. You might want to log it away for future use.

Dwight: We have a colleague with the same name. You're not a liar too are you.
Other Pam: I've been known to bend the truth.
Dwight: Damn it Pam! Get out!

Pam: You've been watering down the soap?
Dwight: Why do you even need soap? Are you that bad at going to the bathroom?

Pam: So everyone here knows pirate code?
Creed: I understand it, I can't speak it.

Jim: Haven't you noticed that I don't bring up the Tour de France around him?
Michael: Yes!

The Office Season 7 Quotes

Hey, Dwight I don't know if you've heard, but we're supposed to be drinking out of weird back packs instead of cups like regular people...oh you did hear.


...because I had a great summer. I got Wes Nile Virus. Lost a ton of weight. Then I went back to the lake. Stepped on a piece of glass in the parking lot, which hurt. That got infected even though I peed on it. Saw Inception, or at least I dreamt I did.
