My mom says as long as people are talking about you don't care what they're saying.

Brandi Glanville

Ken would have to give me a hall pass for George Clooney. It’s George bloody Clooney for god’s sake and he’s got a sense of humor which he would probably need when I took my clothes off.

Lisa Vanderpump

Kyle: You’re not wanted.
Brandi: Excuse me, neither are you. Ask your husband.

I love Lisa Vanderpump. She smells like roses.

Lisa Rinna

He wants to go to Kyle’s mixer to see what goes down, or who goes down, actually.

Lisa Vanderpump

Once bitten, very, very bloody shy.

Lisa Vanderpump

Lisa Vanderpump's closet is off the hook with like altars to purses.

Eileen Davidson

This bitch is easy to deal with unlike some of the others in my life.

Lisa Vanderpump

How about a little Neosporin? Get a grip.

Eileen Davidson

When sisters collide I don't know what the f**k to do.

Lisa Rinna

She's had a few drinks and now she's going to the dark side.


Poor Vincent, trying to teach these ladies how to play poker is like herding cats.

Eileen Davidson