Bell: What happened?
Leela: A gender reveal party gone very wrong. A cannon was involved.

Bell: If you were prefer to work with another doctor --
Leela: Absolutely not. This is a physical challenge. That's it. I have one too.
Bell: If you had never told me, I never would've guessed that you have Dyslexia.
Leela: Thank you, but when I chose surgery, my family, friends, advisors, everyone thought it would make me dangerous. But with my workarounds --
Bell: You are one of the best.
Leela: I don't know about that, but I do not let Dyslexia stand in my way. This is just a new challenge to overcome.

Billie: Thanks for having my back.
Leela: Anytime.

Billie: So what do I do now?
Kit: You said you could prove your charges against Porter.
Billie: I can, but it means devastating emotional repercussions for the other person involved.
Kit: Billie, I understand. But if you don't, I feel the repercussions for you could be far worse. Accusers destroy the person who accuses them, that's how it all works.

AJ: I am an optimist by nature, but I'm beginning to think we're screwed as a species. Social Media is going to be our meteor.
Trevor: Wow, you sound like an angry old man on the wrong side of the generation gap.
AJ: Angry, yes, old, no.

Porter: I won't hurt you. I'm here to warn you. Withdrawal the complaint. Say you lied for Dr. Bell, you'll never hear from me again.
Billie: You're scared.
Porter: Withdraw it, or I will destroy you.
Billie: You can't destroy me. You killed a part of me I can never get back. You can never hurt me again.
Porter: Don't count on it. I'm fully aware of your mistakes. I'll expose all of them, and I will take the very thing you love the most. Your career.

The Resident Season 5 Episode 13 Quotes

Bell: If you were prefer to work with another doctor --
Leela: Absolutely not. This is a physical challenge. That's it. I have one too.
Bell: If you had never told me, I never would've guessed that you have Dyslexia.
Leela: Thank you, but when I chose surgery, my family, friends, advisors, everyone thought it would make me dangerous. But with my workarounds --
Bell: You are one of the best.
Leela: I don't know about that, but I do not let Dyslexia stand in my way. This is just a new challenge to overcome.

Bell: What happened?
Leela: A gender reveal party gone very wrong. A cannon was involved.