I love this job more than I imagined I could. The day I stop giving it my all is the day I walk away.


With all due respect, I have been buried alive by a serial killer. This rabbit hole does not scare me.


There are casualties in every war. You just really don’t want the next one to be you.


Nolan: So why come for me?
Jengus: Because you’re the weak link. Bradford served two tours in-country, Harper’s taken on cartels, and Chen’s survived a serial killer. You build houses, and you always push on the weak link so I’m pushing on you.

Right now I’m your friend, John and that’s a good thing because you don’t want me as your enemy. Now invite me in.


Harper: This is way bigger than we thought. We should take the night like Grey said and see how we are feeling in the morning.
Bradford: Harper’s right. Conducting an off the books operation is high risk on a good day and this ain’t a good day.

Grey: I got a call from the Chief. Your search warrant rang an alarm way up the food chain.
Nolan: So we’re just supposed to walk away from a murder investigation?
Grey: No, but you can’t follow it down this path.

I just solved two crimes sitting in my office. Bradford and Chen’s peeping Tom and your gunshot victim. I’m just saying.


The Rookie Season 2 Episode 14 Quotes

Grey: I got a call from the Chief. Your search warrant rang an alarm way up the food chain.
Nolan: So we’re just supposed to walk away from a murder investigation?
Grey: No, but you can’t follow it down this path.

I just solved two crimes sitting in my office. Bradford and Chen’s peeping Tom and your gunshot victim. I’m just saying.
