Daryl: What is it?
Judith: I can't believe we just left her in a ditch. What if you were lost and no one could find you? Where RJ was or mom?
Daryl: You gonna tell me where this is coming from?
Judith: I just want us to be back together again ... at home. That's all.
Daryl: I radioed your mom, so she knows not to go home, so she's safe. That way she can find us.
Judith: You talked to her?
Daryl: No, but I'm gonna keep trying.
Judith: It doesn't matter. I talked to her after the fire, and I'm worried. Maybe she won't come home.
Daryl: What did she say?
Judith: She went to go help some people she met, who needed her. I didn't want to tell you.
Daryl: Why is that?
Judith: Because maybe you'd leave, too.
Daryl: I won't.
Judith: You promise.
Daryl: I can't.
Judith: Why?
Daryl: Because I can't lie to you. I don't know what's gonna happen. There ain't no one that can tell you they do. There's one thing I know, there's a whole bunch of people back there that would do anything for you. One day, when you're older, they're going to need you to do anything for them. You got a whole lot of family. Nothing can take the place of someone you love being gone. That doesn't mean that everything that follows is going to break your heart.

Four men, four rounds. What are the odds, huh? Let's just hope four is your lucky number.


You have to have numbers. People are the best defense against walkers or people.


Lance: Guys, you see my problem here. This is not a good look. It puts all of us in a very tough spot.
Gabriel: Problem or not, it's the truth.

Join us in fighting the Saviors. Fighting for freedom for all of us.


Yumiko: Look, I'm sorry about Magna. She can be a bit hot headed.
Michonne: That's one word for it.

Lance: You mind shifting me over a few feet? Think I'm stuck on an anthill here.
Mercer: Get used to it.
Lance: Wow. I always thought we got along so well.
Mercer: How many of my men have you gotten killed?
Lance: Oh, Mercer. I thought you realized by now... They're not your men.

Rick: Just tell me. Why'd you save me?
Morgan: Because my son was there.

Trooper 207 from Outpost 41 checking in. No sign of 525 or the escapees. Over.

Trooper 207

Rosita: Eugene are you still there? Eugene, where are you?
Judith: Is he gone?

I believe this one bloomed for your little girl.


This little window right here, is as good as a TV and I loved the shit outta TV back when that was a thing.
