Negan: So cards on the table, then? Cool, I dig that. See, I'm not here for you. I am here for Alpha, so you go ahead, and you throw your little tests at me, and you scowl and throw me on the ground like a five and dime Frankenstein. I don't give a shit. see, big man, I ain't going anywhere
Beta: Finally...something we both agree won't be going anywhere
Negan: Wait a minute, did you just make a goddamn joke? I would be impressed if I wasn't so pissed off right now

Careful now, ears are the trickiest.


Oh, let me in, and there you are! Oh, I am going to huff. I am going to puff. I am going to blow your ... all the way in.


That's it, right? You almost had me, back on the bus when you kicked me out. Then I remembered, this is Negan. He's always messing with people, keeping them in line. So, I realized it was a test. It's going to get a lot more dangerous from here on out. That's what you said to me. You wanted to make sure that I had the balls to do what had to be done. What do you think? I passed, right. I am Neg-
[Negan bashes Brandon's head in with a brick.]


Alright you big ass freak. Let's do this.


These people took our friends, took our land. They must be stopped.


Yumiko: We've got to get out of here. Magna, let's go! Come on.
Magna: We have to protect the wall.

Michonne: Alpha said she would release the horde if we ever crossed her border. Carol took a shot at her and she only took land.
Judith: Maybe the rules are changing.
Michonne: Maybe. But, when you start negotiating with a bully, there may be no end to how much they try to take. Some bullies, you can live with. Others, you gotta fight.
Judith: Can we live with the skins?
Michonne: Well, they said we could But, never take your enemy at their word. You measure them by their actions. So, when their actions are unexpected.
Judith: You know how when we want RJ to go to sleep, the fastest way is to let him run around?
Michonne: Right.
Judith: Because then he'll be so tired that RJ will put himself to sleep. Maybe the Whisperers want to keep us fighting back until we get so tired that they have the advantage.

Michonne: Ezekiel?
Ezekiel: You should go.
Michonne: Can you step away from the edge? Then, I'm not going anywhere.
[They hug.]
Michonne: It's okay, it's okay ... it's okay.
[Ezekiel pulls Michonne in for a kiss. She doesn't pull away ... at first.]
Ezekiel: I'm sorry.

Alpha: There is one rule between our people. One law: Stay where you are. Yet, you disobey.
Daryl: That fire would have destroyed your land.
Alpha: Fire is nature to burn. We have no conflict with nature.
Michonne: It would have wiped out one of our communities. We were not gonna sit back and let that happen. You can understand that. We crossed one time.
Alpha: Three times. During the fire, you walked my land. And during the winter storm, you walked my land. During your search along the river, you and the man with the metal arm walked my land. That's three times. We are always watching. What did I tell you about crossing my border? You have to be punished. But I consider context, there will be no bloodshed this time.
Michonne: So, what do you want?
Alpha: Land. The creek that winds into the valley, that is your new southern border. We will mark the new border to the North.
Carol: That will cut off our hunting grounds. We don't have to stand here and listen to this--
Michonne: Carol.
Alpha: To this what?
Carol: To this bullshit.
Daryl: That's it, come on. We're done. Let's go.
Alpha: We're not ... not until this one lowers her eyes to my feet.

Alpha: You should fear me.
Carol: I don't. I look at you and I feel nothing at all.
Alpha: Is that right? The blonde boy, he screamed your name just before we took his head.

Michonne: I apologize for my friend. We have not slept, and you know what she lost.
Alpha: I forgive you, mother to mother. This is my land now, you better run.