Please don’t leave me like this.


I just didn't want your death on my conscience. Now it's not.


It’s time to face facts, old man. You are nothing without her.


There were consequences to me seeing red. Seeing red was a bad thing then. But see, now nobody's suing anybody, nobody's getting fired. Hell, nobody's keeping score. Now, when I see red, it's just a question of what I am capable of. See, I am starting to think that I am capable of damn near anything.


I want you to know that you made up for it.


I don't have any fight left in me.


Daryl: Hey, um.
Carol: You don't have to apologize.
Daryl: I was just going to say good luck.

An apology is just a truce.


You know if you're a good boy I'll save you some scraps.


Princess: Where are my friends?
Ranger: Shut up.

Leah: Where do you belong, Daryl? Out there in the river looking for your dead brother day after day after day — or do you belong here with me?
Daryl: I don't know.

Carol: You should have just let me get back on the boat.
Daryl: I should've.