Jack: Hey, have I mentioned how much of a freaking warrior you are.
Rebecca: Hmm.
Jack: Hey. How about some music? Perfect first song. [pause] You okay.
Rebecca: I wish I could see them. If there weren't three of them I'd be in the back seat with them.

Randall: Annie is like an angel sent from on high.
Beth: Excuse me? She wasn't sent anywhere by anyone. I spent two days getting her out of me.

Security guard: How come you have three car seats back there
Jack: I have three babies.
Security Guard: Oh wow. God bless you.

Male doctor: You're not even gonna pretend to be interested?
Female doctor: It's babies. How hard can it be?

My goodness. The new Big Three.


Kevin: When I was on the plane, I was terrified I wouldn't get there in time and that Madison would be all alone. And then I heard your voice and saw you were there for her. Thank you.
Randall: Course. I'm your brother.
Kevin: I did say some pretty horrible things to you. And the truth is, on my best day, I'm a poor man's imitation of you.

Kevin: Eight hours ago I was dragging some guy out of his totaled SUV and now I'm a dad to twins.
Randall: Eight hours ago I was communing with my birth mom and now I own a farm house.
Kevin: Wow. We have a lot to catch up on.

I'm your mom. I feel like I've waited my whole life to meet you. I can't wait to watch you grow up. I gotta be honest with you. The world out there is a little nutty right now. But no matter what, I can promise you this. You will never, ever doubt your place in it.


Rebecca: Making fun of the kids together is our thing. It's our one defense against three sets of teenage hormones. So I don't understand. What's wrong?
Jack: They don't want to hang out with us. One minute they love us, the next they don't want anything to do with us.
Rebecca: They're teenagers It's normal for them to want to hang out with other teenagers over us.
Jack: I know, but we only have a few years together under the same roof. Then they're gonna grow up and move out and then what? We'll be lucky if they call us once a week to catch up on what's going on in their lives.

Before I left, you asked me how this family was going to fit into my life. This family is my life. I quit the movie. Yeah, I don't want to take jobs that'll take me away from you. And these beautiful babies that we're about to meet... that's all I need.


I want to hit you, but I also want to kiss you.


Madison: Oh god, no. I need you to distract me.
Randall: So when I was running for city council -
Beth: Oh no, baby, tell her something interesting.

This Is Us Quotes

Rebecca: I had to put the lingerie on on top of my clothes.
Jack: I see that.
Rebecca: It wasn't a great moment for me.

Rebecca: You promise you love your gift?
Jack: The towel? It's absolutely terrible.