Vincent: Dr. Hamed, wait!
Bash: What is it, Vincent?
Vincent: She's been taking something. She doesn't know that I know.

Vincent: Are you okay?
Trish: Are you seriously asking me that? My blade almost killed you.
Vincent: Because I dropped you. What went wrong, T?
Trish: I don't know, but I've been running it through in my head so when we get back out there -
Vincent: Trish.
Trish: Coming into that turn, if my freeze slides forward and yours is out -
Vincent: Trish! Dr. Hamed's saying this operation could put me out for six months.

Bash: How long have you two been together?
Trish: Ten years. People always ask if we're a couple but we basically grew up on the ice so more like siblings, partners, it's hard to explain.
Bash: One of the nurses recognized your names; you skate for the country? I'm sorry, I'm not familiar with the sport.
Trish: It's not like we're famous. You need to be ranked 25th or better in the world to make it on the national team and qualifier for the Olympics. Right now we're 42nd.
Bash: That's still very impressive. Vincent's been asking for you.

Bash: I wasn't sure you'd make it in today. I'm glad you did.
Dr. Bishop: I'm not here for the M. & M. if that's what you mean. I'm here as a patient.
Bash: Good. You know, Dr. Novak he's running the session and he's ...
Dr. Bishop: Yes, yes, we've established, wants my job. He's picked a good case to take up. Plenty to learn from what happened.
Bash: So how come you won't ...?
Dr. Bishop: If I'm there, others won't feel free to speak openly.
Bash: But if you're not, then ...
Dr. Bishop: Novak might malign my good name? My name can take it. It's not your fight, Dr. Hamed.

Dr. Mitchell: We've spoken before about triggers, and when they happen you want to fix things. I have seen enough to know that. And your way of doing that is by running into burning buildings trying to save someone else. It makes you feel in control. The thing is, post-traumatic stress is like a faucet: once open, it keeps on flowing, Bash, whether you like it or not.

Dr. Novak: Protocol what be to leave the shrapnel in place until she got into surgery.
Bash: Protocol would have killed her.
Dr. Novak: Well, I disagree then. It was a ballsy move that may have saved her life, but you still damaged her airway when you blew up the balloon, and that's not gonna be good. What is your name Dr.?
Bash: Bashir Hamed.
Dr. Novak: Why don't you get her cleaned up, Dr. Bashir Hamed, and I'll let the surgeons tell us what the damage is?
Bash: I'm sorry, but who are you?
Dr. Novak: Mark Novak. I'm the acting chief of this emergency department.

I'm real, Bashir.


Focus on what you can hear. Can you hear your heart beating? Sounds like drums, right? Focus on that rhythm. It's a little fast right now. You need to bring that down, so see if you can use your breathing to slow down the rhythm of that beat.


June: I understand, Lucas. I get it. I hate staying still also and it makes my skin crawl when someone tells me that I have to.
Lucas: My mother says I never stop moving.
June: My mom says the same thing. Then I became a surgeon and I had other people's lives in my hands, just no room for wrong moves. So I had to learn to control that panicky feeling, and I'm pretty sure that if I can do it, you can do it too.

Dr. Malone: Oh, let me guess. You want me to rush labs for Lizzie Stall?
Mags: Nope. She is not my patient anymore. How is the new guy already telling me I got too much on my plate? And you know, nothing against Theo, but I'm just saying, he flew back on a helicopter after being home for like three hours, and have you ever heard anyone ask him how much sleep her got?
Dr. Malone: I have not.
Mags: No. Exactly. Jeez. What is it about me that makes people concerned about how much I take on? It's infantilizing. What?
Dr. Malone: You need their approval.
Mags: I don't.
Dr. Malone: I saw you in Bishop's room. You're wanting him to tell you what to do even when he can't talk. You look up to him, Mags. But I know him. He's not god. He's just another messy human being who is wrong as much as he is right.

Bash: Sir, back in trauma, if I was short with you, it's only because I -
Dr. Novak: You took a risk, saved a kid's life, and you didn't realize you were talking to your new boss. And now, you don't know where you stand after breaking protocol. Well, I would say, somewhere between the choice you made and the outcome. So, let's see how the kid does.

Dr. Malone: So, how angry are you?
Dr. Atwater: Oh, maybe he's different now.

Transplant Season 2 Quotes

Dr. Novak: Protocol what be to leave the shrapnel in place until she got into surgery.
Bash: Protocol would have killed her.
Dr. Novak: Well, I disagree then. It was a ballsy move that may have saved her life, but you still damaged her airway when you blew up the balloon, and that's not gonna be good. What is your name Dr.?
Bash: Bashir Hamed.
Dr. Novak: Why don't you get her cleaned up, Dr. Bashir Hamed, and I'll let the surgeons tell us what the damage is?
Bash: I'm sorry, but who are you?
Dr. Novak: Mark Novak. I'm the acting chief of this emergency department.

Bash: So what's going to happen now? With Dr. Bishop out?
Mags: Well the board appoints an acting chief until they know his status. If they're smart it's Atwater. If they're stupid ...
Bash: Everything changes.