Bash: What about you, Allie? Is there anyone we can call for you; family you want down here?
Allie: It's just my mom and her boyfriend but we don't, we don't talk anymore. I never really fit in with anyone from home but Sandra built this world for kids like I was and made me a part of it so she, she's the one I'd call.

Dr. Wong: What do you know about the new acting chief?
Mags: He did his residency at Memorial back in '05 under Bishop, um joined specialty in ED ICU I believe, then went overseas, got back, and he's been an attending in our ICU for about a month. Works mostly nights.

Bash: So what's going to happen now? With Dr. Bishop out?
Mags: Well the board appoints an acting chief until they know his status. If they're smart it's Atwater. If they're stupid ...
Bash: Everything changes.

Bash: Allie? Why should you never trust atoms? Because they make up everything. Emily wanted me to tell you that.
Allie: Thanks.

Lizzie: I just liked to feel normal for once.
Mags: Let me tell you something, Lizzie. Normal is boring. I know it's hard to see this now, or ever really, but, you know that things that set you apart, even the hard ones? They're the ones that make you strong.

June: Dr. Atwater! Hi. So, it's none of my business why you did or didn't get the acting chief position and I shouldn't have asked.
Atwater: But you still want to know? All they told me was that the role would be going to somebody more suited to the leadership opportunity.
June: So in other words, a man.
Atwater: When I was where you are now Dr. Curtis, that was my curse. Now it's being too old. But there is a silver lining. There is a freedom in not having to worry about playing the game anymore. But if you have bigger goals than that Dr. Curits, don't make my mistakes. I played by everyone else's rules and look where it got me.

Novak: You can't cure her cancer unless you have some kind of superpower you haven't told me about.
Mags: Of course not. But If I can make it easier for her, I think I should do that. I think I should do that.
Novak: Feeling like the patients need you, like if you're not the one to take care of them that they won't be okay; that's ego, Leblanc. Do you not trust your colleagues in the evening shifts? Or does nothing really get done around here without you doing it?
Mags: Of course I trust them.
Novak: Good. Then let them do their job. You go home. You preserve yourself for tomorrow's patients.

It's interesting to see Dr. Bishop training his residents to push back. That wasn't my experience with him. Or maybe he doesn't and that's just you. A good leader isn't afraid to be challenged, and since we don't know how long he's going to be out for, it's good we get along.


Novak: How's he feel about being alive?
Bash: Sir?
Novak: I'm curious. How's does he feel about coming back from the dead.
Bash: He's more focused on the fact that we let him die than the mystery of being alive.
Novak: I wasn't wrong to terminate CPR when I did.
Bash: I didn't say you were.
Novak: And his being alive isn't a mystery, it's lingering electrical current and luck.

Navin: You're a resident, right?
Bash: Yes.
Navin: All right. Why don't you just admit you're in over your head and send me whoever you report to. Maybe I won't have to die this time to get some help here.

Dr. Atwater: Never apologize for playing the game, Dr. Curtis.
June: Is that how Novak beat you to the acting chief position? Because you've been Bishop's second forever and I just thought it should be you since you've been here for solong ... nice talk June.

Mags: Deena Kaplan has a terminal diagnosis of lymphoma. She's in a fierce battle with to extend her life, but the pain and the nausea keep sending her here. I have a shorthand with her and her husband.
Novak: Are these people your friends?
Mags: Right, right. You'd prefer I see my patients as needy bags of meat, as you put it, right?
Novak: (laughs) You don't have to sound so callous about it.
Mags: Since I know their history, it'll be more efficient for me to help them. I mean, this is about continuity of care.
Novak: Okay.
Mags: Okay? That's it?
Novak: Why not. I'm interested to see what you can offer that your other residents can't.
Mags: No, that's not what I ... okay, that's not what I was saying at all.

Transplant Season 2 Quotes

Dr. Novak: Protocol what be to leave the shrapnel in place until she got into surgery.
Bash: Protocol would have killed her.
Dr. Novak: Well, I disagree then. It was a ballsy move that may have saved her life, but you still damaged her airway when you blew up the balloon, and that's not gonna be good. What is your name Dr.?
Bash: Bashir Hamed.
Dr. Novak: Why don't you get her cleaned up, Dr. Bashir Hamed, and I'll let the surgeons tell us what the damage is?
Bash: I'm sorry, but who are you?
Dr. Novak: Mark Novak. I'm the acting chief of this emergency department.

Bash: So what's going to happen now? With Dr. Bishop out?
Mags: Well the board appoints an acting chief until they know his status. If they're smart it's Atwater. If they're stupid ...
Bash: Everything changes.