Oh. I get it. I'm not supposed to have a life as long as you don't have a life. Because that's what this season's about, right? That's why you wanted August and Rodrigo, and thank God you saved Jack, because to hell with being a producer. You're the suitress.


Madison: This is exactly what I wanted to talk about. Are we really gonna use the "R" word?
Quinn: It's called rape, Madison. Just say it.

You are living in a fantasy where everyone is perfect, therefore fake. So good luck getting one of these fame whores to marry the real you, whoever that is.


I mean, I'm not saying that she has herpes, but I wouldn't screw her with Graham's dick!


Jay: It’s your favorite kind off finale, everyone’s a loser.
Rachel, what happened to you? This is not the girl who came back this season.
Rachel: Maybe it is. It's who I’ve always been.

You can forget about the job, Rachel. This is exactly where you belong.


Fiona: What are you doing?
Madison: Pitching. Do you want me to stop?
Fiona: Not yet.

Chet: I’m in love with someone else. I’m in love with Quinn!
Crystal: She hates you and she’s OLD.
Chet: I know!
Crystal: But I did everything right. You mean I sucked your shriveled old balls for nothing?

It’s the “Brave Single Dad" versus The Wall Street Wolf."


Quinn: Anything you decide to do, you will explode and shine. You are a star.
Rachel: I don’t even know who I am anymore.
Quinn: You are a dark twisted wreck, Rachel Goldberg. And I’m going to miss every bit of it.

You know what happens around here, SLUTS GET CUT!


There’s no version of this job or any relationship with you that will be healthy for Rachel, ever.

Dr. Simon

UnREAL Quotes

Welcome back to reality, Rachel.


8 weeks if you're lucky, one night if not.
