You know the worth of a man by his actions not his words.


Under the circumstances you either carry your weight or you become dead weight.


Savino: That's impossible. Lena Rizzo is dead.
Lena: Vincent, do I look dead to you?

Told you to go with the spaceman but you wanted to go with the alien princess.


If the DA gets robbed is that irony or just bad luck?


Lena: No, I swore to him on my mother's grave.
Mia: What good is that? For all we know your mother could be secretly alive too.

DA: You obviously don't know what he's capable of.
Katherine: You obviously don't know what I'm capable of.

Savino's a lot of things but he's not stupid.


You deserve better than a girl who makes you sneak around behind her boyfriend's back.


Would you be all smiles if your house flipped over in the middle of Fremont St?


Some days, I love this job.


Lena: We were having a really good night.
Savino: I'm not sure he'd agree with that.

Vegas Quotes

Your good with number and better with people than I am.


Did I tell you to lay hands on this man?
