Action Johnny: Dudes, get back! That is a Vietnamese Two-Step Viper! One bite, and you're dead before you take two steps.
Dale Hale: There's no such thing.
Action Johnny: Yeah, I'm making it up. It's right there, dude! That ain't a [bleep] fucking hologram or an old lighthouse keeper in a rubber mask, okay?
Dale Hale: I mean there's no such snake. That's an urban myth.
Lance Hale: Bro's right. I Googled it.
Dr. Venture: Hey, Encyclopedia Brown-Noser, can you Google this thing away from me?

I'm out of gun food.


Do not be too hasty entering [the bathroom]! I had Taco Bell for lunch!

Dr. Orpheus

You think being grounded is bad? Try prison. That's like being grounded for life. And instead of chores... butt sex


Dr. Venture: You just won't stop, will you? You just keep pushing my buttons.
Monarch: You're my arch-enemy. That's what I do - it's my thing!

Dragoon: Am I missing something?
Red Mantle: The man is a Fruit Loop!
Phantom Limb: Fruit Loop as a fox, gentlemen

Monarch: Well, Hank...what's it like to be a... liar?!? Huh? You like being a liar, with pants constantly on fire?!
Tiny Attorney: Objection, your Honor! Leadin'.
Monarch: I'll rephrase that. Hank, are you a liar?
Hank: No sir, I don't think so.
Monarch: Yes you are!
Dean: You're the liar!
Monarch: And may I remind you that I am rubber and you are glue and whatever you say bounces off of me and sticks to you!

Henchman 21: Here is where you are wrong, my friend. This woman has killed before.
Henchman 24: Allegedly.
Henchman 21: Okay, whatever. But she was a big girl. We are talking about a large, healthy woman of questionable stability.
Henchman 24: Oh, you are totally underestimating the never-say-die scrappiness of a survivor.
Monarch: Hey, guess what? Nobody cares who would win in a crazy fantasy fist-fight between Anne Frank and Lizzy Borden. We never should have brought the henchmen! We're going to be the only ones there with henchmen! I'm gonna have to kill them. Pull over if you see a good spot to dump their bodies!

Hank: Scuba. Scooba. Scooba scooba scooba scooba scooba. Say "Scuba."
Brock: Scuba.
Hank: Scuba. It sounds funny. Scuba.
Brock: Scuba. Yeah, it does

Brock: I can cross "stab Hitler to death" off my list of cool crap I thought I'd never get to do.
Hank: Brock?
Brock: Hey, Hank. Killed Hitler

Why don't you leave me alone so I can jump rope naked in front a mirror in your ex-wife's body?

The Master

I'm tired of you always Brock blocking me, Samson.


Venture Bros. Quotes

Hank: You are not the boss of me
Sgt Hatred: Au contraire, I am tony danza to your spunky Alyssa Milano. I am full on Charles In Charge of you

Hank: Is it just me or does every Nazi want to clone Hitler? It's like the only they think about
Srgt. Hatred: It seems that way, right. I guess when everyone hates you, you just fixate on making rotten Hitlers