Lee gave me a promotion. You're looking at the new manager for Coulter Lumber.


Lucas: I find that to be both inspirational and potentially reckless at the same time.
Elizabeth: Like rushing into a burning building to save a friend?
Lucas: I just reacted.
Elizabeth: Lucas, I have a son, and your past ties could have taken me from him.
Lucas: I wouldn't have let anything happen to you. Without fear and without hesitation, I would have done whatever it took to keep you safe. I mean, being a hero; it's kind of my thing now.

Lucas: If you let her go, you can have everything I've got.
Amos: Oh. That's very generous. As soon as I get that, she'll be on her way.

Spencer may not know it, but one day he's going to be grateful he ended up with Grace and Lillian.


Until every penny of the ten grand that's owed is in the palm of this hand, she's not going anywhere.


I knew Bouchard was trouble the moment I laid eyes on him.


Loyalty means something. You've been loyal to me, now it's my turn.


Jesse: I just want you to be happy.
Clara: For me to be happy, you have to be happy.

Elizabeth: You're closing down the saloon.
Lucas: Everyone deserves a break now and then, even my staff.

Jack really looked up to you, and one day, Little Jack will, too.


Bill: How was your breakfast?
Johnny: Humble pie don't exactly agree with me.

Elizabeth: Now, I've thought about this, and I'd like the two of you to be his guardians.
Rosemary: Do you think I'd make a good mother?
Elizabeth: I think you'd make a great one.