Jenna: That's just the pain killers talking.
Drew: No it's not, Jenna-ration X.

Yeah she pet you once. Who sleeps on the bed every night?

I just watched Jenna take it in the hands from every guy in the neighborhood.

How can I compete with a purebred?

Ryan: Are you telling me you've never smelled another dog on Jenna's hands?
Wilfred: Well yeah but that's just from her pushing other dogs away.

Ryan: I don't even wanna go to this wedding. Now I'm the co-ring bearer?
Wilfred: Yeahhhh, we need to talk about your title.

Do you ever wonder what it would be like if Wilfred could talk?


Being happy is just like being gay. It's a choice, that's why they mean the same thing.

Hey, Ryyyyy - cironi, the San Francisco treat. Now in the new chicken.


All that you see here are creations of your own mind. Perhaps that is why I am such a stereotype.

Red Wolf

Ryan: We need to get to a hospital.
Wilfred: Come on Ryan, Bear doesn't have insurance.

What about your boss's suicide? I mean someone ate his brains. That's twisted. Did they find who did that, by the way?

Wilfred Quotes

Ryan: I thought it would make me sound Effete.
Wilfred: So does saying the word "effete."

Ryan: Get off.
Wilfred: I'm trying to!