Lauren: OK, last night I sat on his nocturnal erection while he was sleeping. In some cultures, that would be considered rape.
Liza: Yeah, pretty much in every culture.
Lauren: Oops.

And Kelsey, next to my own daughter and Maggie, you are the most precious thing in the world to me.


Younger Season 4 Quotes

Marilyn: You're a very attractive woman, and I love that necklace, and I don't care if you are transgender.
Diana: Uh, I'm not.
Marilyn: Either way, I don't care. The fact of your gender identity is irrelevant to me.
Diana: I...I'm a woman.
Marilyn: And I don't care!

And Kelsey, next to my own daughter and Maggie, you are the most precious thing in the world to me.
