She definitely taught me a lot, like if someone tells you they're a liar, you should believe them.


Kelsey: What.
Liza: Nothing.
Kelsey: Yeah. What is it Liza.
Liza [shaking her head]: Nothing. No big deal.
Kelsey [hands on hips]: Yeah. I was out all night. I slept with a stranger. I drank too much. I have no problem being who I am. So go ahead, don't hold back, say what you were gonna say!
Liza: Your tit's out.

Kelsey: Tinder?
Josh: What? Do you have a better suggestion?
Kelsey: No. I fully support you.
Josh: Awww. Thanks! [watches her undress in the bathroom]

Richard: It's easy to see why Diana leans on you so much. I mean, you don't have to be a therapist to know she has some trust issues, but not with you. You're one of the few people she has complete faith in.
Liza: That's, uh, nice to hear.

She can't help it. She's a doppelbanger.


You really have no idea what a meme is. I can't believe I've been so blind.


Nostalgic snow? What is that? Old snow? Isn't that water?


Colin: Wow. Is it possible you got more beautiful since the last time I saw you?
Kelsey: No. You just weren't paying attention.
Colin: Well, I am now. Trust me.
Kelsey: That may take some time.

Kelsey: Isn't hygge about being...cozy?
Diana: Yeah.
Kelsey: I've been to your home. It's...
Diana: Elegant. Yeah. I plan to "hygge" it up.

Charles: How old is your friend's husband?
Liza: He's...older. In his 40s.
Charles: Is that unusual among your friends?
Liza: Oh, we don't really think about that. We

Marilyn: You're a very attractive woman, and I love that necklace, and I don't care if you are transgender.
Diana: Uh, I'm not.
Marilyn: Either way, I don't care. The fact of your gender identity is irrelevant to me.
Diana: I...I'm a woman.
Marilyn: And I don't care!

I don't want to contribute to the idea that truth is whatever you're comfortable with even if it means taking a hit to the bottom line. I guess I'm old fashioned that way.


Younger Season 4 Quotes

Marilyn: You're a very attractive woman, and I love that necklace, and I don't care if you are transgender.
Diana: Uh, I'm not.
Marilyn: Either way, I don't care. The fact of your gender identity is irrelevant to me.
Diana: I...I'm a woman.
Marilyn: And I don't care!

And Kelsey, next to my own daughter and Maggie, you are the most precious thing in the world to me.
