Kevin: So, we’re not bailing on your hot brother’s FBI class? I thought based on what happened to Caramel…
Betty: That was before I got privileged information that made me realized we don’t actually know anything about Charles. Forget “Is Charles is gay or straight?” I’m interested in: “Is if he’s a serial killer or not?”

Casey Cott Quotes

Kevin: Is it true what they say about your dad?
Veronica: That he's the devil incarnate? I stand by my father. Does everyone here know?
[Awkward silence]
Veronica: Wonderful! Ten minutes in and I'm already the "Blue Jasmine" of Riverdale High.

Kevin: Oh my God!
Betty: What?
Kevin: Game changer - Archie got hot! He's got abs now. Six more reasons for you to take that ginger bull by the horns tonight.