Archie: I called Keller!
Jughead: What the hell, Archie?! Did Betty tell you about this too?
Archie: No, this was my idea. To get rid of the Ghoulies and it worked. They get arrested for street racing and now they’re up to Chestport.
Jughead: For how long? One month? Three months?! You know what they’re going to want on the other side, Archie? Your head...on a stake! All of ours.

Sweet Pea: Is the Northsider lost?
Jughead: I’m not. I’m over being half a Serpent.
Sweet Pea: Wow, you will do anything to protect your Northside buddies.
Jughead: My father was a Serpent. He led you. I want to stand with you guys. Tall Boy was the one who gave me this jacket, it’s time I start wearing it.
Tall Boy: So, now you want to be a Serpent, huh? Let’s see if you survive the initiation first.

Archie: I came here to tell you to stay away from Betty. She doesn’t want to see you anymore.
Jughead: Screw you. I just saw Betty yesterday! She was fine.
Archie: No, dude, she’s been wanting to break up for weeks. She’s been agonizing over it since you crossed to the dark side. She couldn’t bring herself to do it.
Jughead: So she sent you? Betty would never do that!
Archie: If you don’t believe me, call her! And feel free to tell her you’re a Serpent now too, I bet she’ll love that. She saw where you were headed. Okay, we all did and she knows you can’t be with her and with them. Come on, man, you know it too.

Betty: Because of what it says, Jughead! Because of what he wrote...that I inspired him. I inspired all of this.
Jughead: You think people are going to blame you for all of this?
Betty: Not people, just one person.
Jughead: Archie? For what? For writing a speech that this lunatic has twisted around and really messed with you, and messed with the town. Yeah, Archie is definitely shook but he knows who the bad guys are and you’re not one of the bad guys. You’re Betty Cooper, like “Nancy Drew” meets “Girl with the Dragon Tattoo.”

Betty: These symbols look so familiar to me. It’s like I’ve seen them before and it’s driving me crazy I can’t figure out where.
Toni: Maybe if you loosened your ponytail?
[They all stare at her dumbfounded]
Toni: What? That was a joke, guys.
Kevin: Betty’s ponytail is iconic and beyond reproach.
Betty: Kev, it’s fine. At this point, I’m willing to try anything.
[She lets down her hair]

Archie: Can we at least agree now there’s a killer on the loose?
Jughead: A terrible way...
Archie: Jughead, he murdered Ms. Grundy.
Betty: Arch, we don’t know that these three crimes are related.
Veronica: Guys, can we focus on what happens here? Midge and Moose are alive, Archie’s dad survived...the new season of ‘The Bachelorette’ starts tonight. You’re all coming over to watch.
Jughead: There’s a shooter terrorizing the town. Do you really want us to watch a gross reality dating show?!

Betty: Well, if it was just some rando robbing Pop’s, then he probably took the money and then got rid of the wallet.
Jughead: Unless it wasn’t just some rando? Unless it was premeditated in some way?
Veronica: What? Is that an actual theory?
Jughead: According to Sheriff Keller, if you ask me. People have grudges, people have enemies. I mean, think of where we live. Fathers are killing their sons. It’s clearly conceivable this was a hit.
Betty: Okay, or the wallet is just at Pop’s? So, we’ll check it out, V.

Betty: Wow, it looks great in here.
Jughead: I cleaned it up, after Sheriff Keller thrashed it. In case my dad...
Betty: Until he gets out, I'm not giving up on him, Jug.
Jughead: I know, and that is why I love you, Betty. I love you, Betty Cooper.
Betty: Jughead Jones...I love you.
[They kiss]

Jughead: Cleaning the trailer, convincing me that you quit drinking...I was so happy for the first time in so long. You paid attention to me. Let's be honest, the only reason you even read my manuscript about Jason's murder was to make sure I wasn't onto you. You didn't want to take me to Toledo to get the family back together; you wanted to get away, you wanted to run away.
FP: I did what I had to do! WHAT I ALWAYS DO!
Jughead: Are you even sorry?
FP: I'm sorry I got caught. We done?
[Jughead walks away]
FP: Look at me Jughead! Never come back here! Understand?

Jughead: Is that why your mom invited my dad and I to dinner? So these two could break into his trailer while she interrogated him?!
Betty: No, I didn't know what they were doing. But yes, that is why she invited you guys.
Jughead: To think I was gonna pass moving to Toledo with my family for you. Before I went to my dad's trailer, you asked if I believed him. I said I did. Wasn't that good enough for you?!
Betty: It was! It was good enough. I tried to talk to her.
Jughead: You could've told me. You could've warned me about all this.
Betty: You were so excited, Jug. I didn't want to disappoint you.
Jughead: So instead you lied. You all lied to me.

Betty: Why are you getting so upset? It's just a party, Jug.
Jughead: It's not just a party. It's the fact that you don't know, or even care, that this is the last thing I would want. You did this for you to prove something.
Betty: To prove what?
Jughead: You're a great girlfriend? I don't know. Doesn't it ever occur to you how different we are, like on a cellular DNA level? You're a straight-A student, a cheerleader. For God sakes, you're the perfect girl-next-door.
Betty: I hate that word.
Jughead: I'm the damaged, loner outsider from the wrong side of tracks. Betty, come on, who are we kidding?! We're on borrowed time.

Betty: I should've told you about Chuck, but I lied. And instead threw you this party you didn't want.
Jughead: Why did you?
Betty: Something is very...very wrong with me. Like, there's this darkness in me that's overwhelming. Sometimes I don't know where it comes from, but I think that's what makes me do things.

Cole Sprouse Quotes

Veronica: What's happening out there? Do we know? Is it about me?
Jughead: I have a strong inkling, and no. Also, I'd let it go.
Veronica: Yes, but you're you and I'm me. You do you, girl. I'll be back.
[She leaves]
Kevin: What was it like before she got here? I honestly cannot remember.

Our story is about a town; a small town and the people who live in the town. From a distance, it presents itself like so many other small towns all over the, decent, innocent. Get closer though and you start seeing the shadows underneath. The name of our town is "Riverdale".
