[Each reading from The Black Hood’s letter]
Sheriff Keller: People of Riverdale, I have rid this town of the drug-dealing child killer and others like him.
Cheryl: Now you must choose your fate. The next 48 hours will be a test and I will be watching you very closely.
Archie: Show me you are pure of heart and my work ends. Continue to sin...and I will take out the sword again.

Archie: Jughead, calm down.
Jughead: Calm down?! Archie...Riverdale just became a police state.
Archie: Mayor McCoy says the Serpents are the ones dealing jingle jangle.
Jughead: Serpents don’t deal that stuff. The Ghoulies do.
Archie: So tell Mayor McCoy that.
Jughead: Oh, Mayor McCoy...Mayor McCoy just arrested my friends for no reason.

Archie: I called Keller!
Jughead: What the hell, Archie?! Did Betty tell you about this too?
Archie: No, this was my idea. To get rid of the Ghoulies and it worked. They get arrested for street racing and now they’re up to Chestport.
Jughead: For how long? One month? Three months?! You know what they’re going to want on the other side, Archie? Your head...on a stake! All of ours.

Archie: I came here to tell you to stay away from Betty. She doesn’t want to see you anymore.
Jughead: Screw you. I just saw Betty yesterday! She was fine.
Archie: No, dude, she’s been wanting to break up for weeks. She’s been agonizing over it since you crossed to the dark side. She couldn’t bring herself to do it.
Jughead: So she sent you? Betty would never do that!
Archie: If you don’t believe me, call her! And feel free to tell her you’re a Serpent now too, I bet she’ll love that. She saw where you were headed. Okay, we all did and she knows you can’t be with her and with them. Come on, man, you know it too.

Veronica: I wish you were smart enough to not keep it in your locker, but a gun, Archie?! Why? For what?
Archie: To protect myself.
Veronica: Against The Black Hood? Archie...that video, that gun...if I’m following you, I need to know where, I need to know the truth.
Archie: I want him dead, Veronica! I want The Black Hood dead, and I want to be the one who does it. I want to be the last thing that he sees.
Veronica: Spoken like a true vigilante.

This is a message for the coward calling himself, “The Black Hood”. You think you can attack us from the shadows? But Riverdale is a lot stronger than you, and we’re not afraid. You see there’s only one of you, but we are legion. We’re called “The Red Circle” and we’re coming for you. We will find you. We will hunt you. And we will end you.


Archie: Can we at least agree now there’s a killer on the loose?
Jughead: A terrible way...
Archie: Jughead, he murdered Ms. Grundy.
Betty: Arch, we don’t know that these three crimes are related.
Veronica: Guys, can we focus on what happens here? Midge and Moose are alive, Archie’s dad survived...the new season of ‘The Bachelorette’ starts tonight. You’re all coming over to watch.
Jughead: There’s a shooter terrorizing the town. Do you really want us to watch a gross reality dating show?!

Archie: I'm not crazy. The guy is still out there. It's just for protection.
[He stares at his gun]
Dilton: Sure, Archie. Whatever you say.

Betty: Put this on.
Archie: What?
Betty: Put it on.
[Archie puts on the jacket]
Archie: Betty, this is weird.
[Betty searches the jacket]
Betty: There's a hole in the pocket.
Kevin: Okay, now we're just grasping at straws.
Betty: Okay, no. I don't know about you guys, but whenever I have a hole in my jacket pocket, I always lose my chapstick in the lining.
Veronica: ...Or in my Monte-Blanc.
Betty: Hold on.
[She searches in the pocket and finds a USB]
Veronica: What the hell?
Kevin: Nancy Drew strikes again.

Archie: I tried to help my dad, Ronnie.
Veronica: Archie, what did you say?
Archie: I told him not to sign the divorce papers, and I don't even know why. It's not like I even want them to get back together. Veronica, why do I keep doing this? I keep wrecking things.
Veronica: Welcome to my life. Every day I feel like there's a new secret, a new lie about my parents about what they've done. I don't want my mom to be guilty, Archie. I really want that to be a lie.

Archie: Cheryl, you okay?
Cheryl: What did my dad say to you? That I'm a trainwreck? Jason was the golden boy, but me...people hate me, Archie. At school, that's fine, whatever, but this is my family.
Archie: Forget them, Cheryl. Forget what they think. I think you're awesome.
Cheryl: Oh Archie. Sometimes I think you may be the only decent person left in Riverdale. The only person who doesn't want something from me or doesn't want me to apologize for who I am...or what I want.
[She kisses Archie]

Archie: Val! Wait...you were right about being bought and taking shortcuts. After last night, I'm done with the Blossoms.
Valerie: Archie, I'm done with you. Ever since we've started dating, you've ignored me. You've ditched me.
Archie: Val, please! Let me make it up to you.
Valerie: Sorry, Archie, but unlike you, I won't be bought.
[Puts in earbuds and runs off]

K. J. Apa Quotes

Betty: I'm not gonna ask what you did with Veronica at Cheryl's. I'm asking you now, right now, if you love me, Archie, or even like me?
Archie: Of course I love you, Betty. But I can't give you the answer you want.
Betty: Why?
Archie: You are so perfect. I've never been good enough for you. I'll never be good enough for you.

Veronica: I'm filled with dread.
Archie: Why's that?
Veronica: Are you familiar with the works of Truman Capote? I'm "Breakfast at Tiffany's" but this place is strictly "In Cold Blood."